Competitive Sports Can Teach Us About LIFE
Cope with Failure
- Losing a game or match is when we have to learn to deal with failing
- Resilience and grit are learned through failure (Huffington Post)
- These traits help us push past obstacles
- The road ahead can be made easier by the lessons we learn from sports
- Passion, grit and being a leader and follower are all lessons we learn
- Without passion you will never finish anything in life to it's full potential
- You really need to want to do something to be able to get it done (
- It is the driving force behind the human brain.
Being a Leader and Follower
- Being a good follower is just as important as being a good leader
- "If you want to lead the people, you must first learn to follow them¨ - Lao Tzu
- Following can be learned by following a coach or captain
- Leading can be as simple as leading stretches
- Both skills are looked for by future employers
- Sports may seem like just another way to stay active but there's more than that
- Important life skills are hardwired into brains of athletes
- Skills are long lasting and are very helpful
Too Dangerous?
- Many question whether or not these skills are worth the risk of lifelong injury
- According to there are 2.6 million injured in car accidents compared to the 50,00 football players injured
- This marginal risk is definitely worth the incredible life skill that are learned