Bite mark on Mary Jane Serloin's body
- Crawford as a child was quiet and withdrawn sometimes, but other times hyperactive and disruptive
- Mom fought self admitted addiction to bingo and his stepfather gambled as well
- Age 3, Crawford ran away from home repeatedly
- Had nightmares and was afraid of the dark
- Age 12, he bullied other kids
- Crawford talked to himself, sniffed glue and did drugs such as LSD, marijuana, mushrooms & prescription medications
- Stole cars and fought with the police
- Age 13, himself and 2 other boys paid an 11 year old girl $5 to have sex with them
- At age 16, he heard voices that tormented him and had a visual hallucination of 2 naked green ladies telling him to kill people and commit property crimes
Eva Taysup with her arm cut off after being strangled to death
- In interviews, Crawford described his childhood as happy, then in others, miserable because he struggled with school and fought with other kids
- Had a 21 year old single mom when he was born
- His mom married Al Crawford, who was an alcoholic and a taxi driver
- Crawford suffered from burns to the upper chest, neck and arm from playing with a cigarette lighter; it left scarring which was teased by other kids
- At age 4 and 7 he was sexually molested by his babysitter
- He was told he was stupid in kindergarten and failed grade 1
- In December 1990, he was fined $250 for trying to hire a prostitute
- Had 4 known victims who were all women, and all Aboriginal and prostitutes
- He raped and tortured all his victims, strangling and stabbing them
- His murders took place in 1981 and 1992
- One murder took place in Lethbridge, Alberta, and the other three took place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Although Crawford said he heard voices, none of his crimes were done because of these voices, there was no psychotic symptoms during the murders
- Crawford's crimes went unheard by the media and were played down because the crimes were against Aboriginal women
- On May 9th 1992, Janet Sylvestre told police Crawford raped her and police found him on a beach dying from sunstroke and substance abuse. He was taken into jail until his mom paid his bail
- October 1992, he helped beat a man to death in Saskatchewan
Shelley Napope's body after being stabbed to death
Mary Jane Serloin
Calinda Waterhen
- Crawford's first murder in 1981
- Met 35 year old Mary Jane at a bar in Lethridge, Alberta
- On Christmas Day, her naked body was found with deep bite marks on her breasts
- Crawford was 19 at the time of the murder
- Calinda Waterhen was 22 years old
- September 21, 1992. One day after Eva Taysup's murder
- She was raped, tortured and strangled
Eva Taysup
Biographical Data
- 1981 after the murder of Mary Jane, he was sentenced to 10 years in jail for manslaughter, then released March 23, 1989; he was only given 10 years because he agreed to plead guilty
- 1996, he was given 3 life sentences and is currently in Saskatchewan Penitentiary
- September 20, 1992
- Raped and tortured Eva Taysup
- Sawed off Taysup's arm after torturing and strangling her
- He buried her body
- Was born on March 29th, 1962 in Seinbach, Manitoba.
- Canada serial killer known for raping and torturing his victims
Shelley Napope
- Shelley was 16 years old when she was murdered
- Murder was in 1992
- She was stabbed to death and after dragged into the bushes
- Her remains were found in 1994
John Martin Crawford
"The Lady Killer"