How do the chemicals in chocolate effect the human body?
My Research
Moving on
4 main chemicals that effect the body
- General websites
- Research Papers
- Scicurious
- Discounting sources
- Limited because of variables and sample size
- Dr Jones (University of Leeds) email conversaton
Future applications
- Did not decrease any of my offers
- How a research project works
- What is expected when writing a research essay
- At university I will already have the skills to complete assignments
My Project
- Make sure that you can keep up with the workload
- Choose a topic you'll enjoy
- Make your plan realistic
What went well
- Planned to look at feminism and the roles of women in the fantasy genre
- Not relevent to anything I wanted to do further
- Changed to this topic
What didn't go well
- Completing the project on time
- Standard of writing
- Level of research
- Understandability
- Sticking to the plan
- Lack of primary research
- Writing conclusion
- Research Project
- Help with background reading for a chemistry degree
- Talk about at interviews
- Neccessary skills
- What chemicals there are in chocolate
- The effect they have on the:
- Brain
- Endochrine System
- Body as a whole
Comparing to Plan
- Understand how the structure of a chemical can effect how it interacts with the body.
- Write a high standard of essay that can be understood even if people do not do chemistry.
- Learn how a research project is conducted and completed
- Did not factor in exams
- Research done gradually
- Essay writing done over a few days
- Had to keep changing essay when I found links to other questions/ research
- In on time!