Troubles for John
After Henry II
- Many rulers clashed with nobles and the Church
- usually over taxes or imposing of royal authority
- Son of Henry II
- clever, greedy, cruel, and untrustworthy
- Faced three enemies
- King Philip of France
- Pope Innocent III
- his own English nobles
Review Yesterday
Philip II of France
Importance of Magna Carta
- John lost a war with Philip
- had to give up his lands in Anjou and Normandy
- 1) all nobles had certain rights (eventually extended to all citizens)
- 2) made it clear the monarch had to follow laws
- In what ways did William increase royal power?
- In what ways did Henry II increase royal power?
- How did Henry anger the Chruch?
Magna Carta
Pope Innocent III
- Selection of new archbishop of Canterbury
- John rejected Pope's nomination
- Pope excommunicated John
- Placed England under interdict
- To save England, John backed down
- had to accept England as a fief of the papacy and pay a yearly fine to the Church
- 1215 - group of rebellious nobles forced John to sing the Magna Carta
- long list of feudal rights
- Not only protected the nobles, but the towns people and Church as well
- freedom from arbitrary arrests, imprisonment and other legal actions
- beginning of due process of law
- King agreed not to raise taxes without consulting the Great Council
- [No taxation without representation!]
Growth of Royal Power in England and France Continued.