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Stress, Cognition and Emotion

Transactional Model of Stress

Lazarus' Appraisal Theory of Emotion

What is...

Lazarus and Folkman (1982)


secondary appraisal:

primary appraisal:

coping strategies considered

relevance and meaning



Classic Study: Ekman and Freisen (1971)

  • Demonstrated that expression of primary emotions likely innate
  • physiological arousal
  • subjective feeling
  • behavioral expression
  • Fore people (aboriginal tribe in Australia) matched specific emotion to experience of character in a story
  • Adults and children recognized all emotions same as Westerners... adults sometimes confused surprise and fear

Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

Schachter and Singer (1962)

Cognitive Mediational (Appraisal) Theory

Lazarus (1991)

Getting Started

Back / Side


Agenda (1/7/20)

Agenda (1/9/20)

  • Reminders... Reflection

- Sit in Pairs; Sit in Groups

- "Growth and Opportunity"

- Toothpaste Illustration

  • Discuss and Decide: The (Other) Option

- 'Instructional Calendar and Materials' Group in GC

  • Determine The (Other) Option
  • Transition to Cognitive Approach

- Reminder About Study of Stress / Transactional Model

- Emotion: Biology and Cognition Together

  • What IS Emotion? Discussion

- Assignment in GC

- Key Theorist: Paul Eckman

- KR: Schachter and Singer (1962)

Getting Started

Back / Side

Agenda (1/23/20)

  • Opening Demonstration: Schema and Memory

- KR: Anderson & Pichert (1978)

  • Begin Reliability of Memory Discussion (Target CA4)

- Assignment in GC

- Concept Map & Brainstorm - Impacts of Memory

- KR: Loftus & Pickrell (1995)

Getting Started

Back / Side

Getting Started

Phones, bags along side or back...

  • Please have nothing but a pen/pencil

Agenda (1/15-16/20)

Agenda (12/5-6/18)

  • Formative Assessment - Target CA2
  • Discussion... What IS Memory, and Why Care?

- Post Question as CLASS COMMENT

  • Explore Models of Memory (Target CA3)

- Notes... Questions... Discussion

- 'Multi-Modal' Model Reviewed

- 'Working Memory' Model Expanded

- KR: Baddelley and Hitch (1974)

  • 'Working Model' Presentations and Demonstrations
  • Opening Demonstration - Schema and Memory
  • Target CA2 - Models of Memory

- Present Your Part of Working-Memory Model

  • Revisit Schema Theory (Influence on Memory)

- Explain Anderson & Pichert (1978)

- Remember Loftus & Palmer (1974)

  • Influence of Digital Media?

- Rosen & Colleagues (2013) (Induced Media Multi-tasking)

Introduction and Exploration of I.A. Report by Friday

Essay Two - Wed./Thur., 12/12-13/18

Language and Schema

Models of Memory

Levels of Processing Model

Working Memory Model

(Craik & Lockhart (1972))

Working Memory and Learning

Baddeley & Hitch (1974) Dual-Task Experiment

Pickering & Gathercole (2001)

Craik and Tulving (1975

  • Examined prediction that deeper processing = better retention
  • Participants given sequence of numbers to remember AND read prose
  • Used "Working Memory Test Battery for Children" to study working memory performance
  • 60 words presented in written form; 3 levels of processing
  • Reasoning time over prose increased
  • TWO THINGS happened:
  • Discovered that

Working memory capacity improves with age AND Individual WM capacity varies widely in same age

  • Reasoning was impaired when remembering 6 numbers as opposed to 3

  • CONCLUSION: There is impairment BUT it's NOT catastrophic, THEREFORE
  • Conclusion: Problems with working memory = problems with academic performance

STM is MORE than a single, unitary storehouse

Basic Principles

Use of fMRI to study cognitive processes

  • Research is focused on how the "brain translates to mind"


  • brain activity and reading emotions
  • decision making

Cognitive neuroscientists study the biological basis for cognitive processing

Loftus and Palmer (1974)

  • Mental processes CAN be scientifically studied

Classic experiment demonstrating mis-information effect

  • Behavior change is a RESULT of cognitive processes

Facilitated by perception, memory, and SCHEMA

Schema and Memory

Anderson and Pichert (1978)

  • Investigated affect of schema on memory (both encoding AND recall)
  • 1st Recall: recall of details relevant to schema was stronger than non-relevant details
  • 2nd Recall: those who switch schema for 2nd recall remembered slightly more details


Getting Started

Phones, bags along side or back...

Agenda (12/10-11/18)


  • Opening Exercise - Memories: Which are Reliable?
  • Target CA3 - Reliability of Memory

- Demonstration - Eyewitness Memory

- Key Study: Loftus & Pickrell (1995)

  • Discussion "Panels"

- Research... Take a Side... Argue/Discuss

- Pair... Group

Essay Two - Wed./Thur., 12/12-13/18

Reliability of Memory


Key Researcher: Elizabeth Loftus


  • Findings demonstrate 'misinformation effect'
  • Descriptive
  • Normative
  • Memory is reconstructive
  • Challenges veracity of eyewitness testimony
  • Leading questions can modify or even "plant" memories
  • Memory is complex/dynamic

- Different types/stores

Ex. Loftus & Pickrell (1995)

- Participants come to lab in pairs (older & younger)

Thinking and Decision Making

- In experimental context, participants were twice interviewed regarding reports of events from past

Let's view this crime and participate along with the eyewitnesses

  • Memories are susceptible to distortion

- One (of four) stories was false story about being lost in a mall

- 25% of Participants 'recalled' the false memory during both interviews (measured by 'clarity' and 'confidence' scales)

Consider the following description:

"Tom W. is of high intelligence, although lacking in true creativity. He has a need for order and clarity, and for neat and tidy systems in which every detail finds its appropriate place. His writing is rather dull and mechanical, occasionally enlivened by somewhat corny puns and by flashes of imagination of the sci-fi type. He has a strong drive for competence. He seems to feel little sympathy for other people and does not enjoy interacting with others. Self-centered, he nonetheless has a deep moral sense."

“Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with the issue of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations.

System 1 / System 2 Model

(from Tversky & Kahneman (1974))

Which is more likely?

  • Linda is a bank teller
  • Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement
  • Tom W. is majoring in engineering OR
  • Tom W. is majoring in sociology

Ex. Yuille & Cutshall (1986)

ecological validity

Criticism: Research lacks

(from Kahneman "Thinking: Fast and Slow")

  • Semi-Structured Interview & Field Experiment (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Interviewed people who had seen a REAL robbery
  • Memories were NOT distorted by misleading details

Which of the following do you prefer?

Imagine that the U.S. is preparing for the outbreak o an unusual Asian disease, which is expected to kill 600 people. Two alternative programs to combat the disease have been proposed. Assume that the exact scientific estimates of the consequences of the programs are as follows:

A. 50% chance to win $1,000, 50% to win nothing

B. Win $450 for sure

Choose between...

Prospect Theory

A. $2,500 with probability 33%, $2,400 with probability 66%, $0 with probability 1%

- If Program A is adopted, 200 people will be saved.

- If Program B is adopted, there is a one-third probability that 600 people will be saved and a two-thirds probability that no people will be saved.

B. $2,400 with certainty

Which of the following do you prefer?

Which of the two programs do you prefer?

A. 20% chance to win $1,000

B. Lose $200 for sure

Getting Started

Back / Side

Agenda (1/28/20)

  • Opening Demonstration: 'Flashbulb Memories'

- Linked with Target CA1

- KR: Brown and Kulik (1977)

  • Reliability of Memory "Debate" (Target CA4)

- Assignment in GC

- Research... Collaborate... Argue

  • Essay Preparation/Practice: Write an Introduction

SAQ - Cognitive Approach (Targets CA1, CA2), Fri., 1/31/20

Memory and Emotion

* 'Expected Utility Theory' predicts people base prospects of gains/losses same... based on current wealth

* Kahneman & Tversky (1979, 1981) and others show this isn't reality

Theory of Reasoned Action

A Brief Survey...

Write down your THREE most VIVID memories...

On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the vividness

Mood-Congruent Memories

On a scale from 1 to 10, rate your confidence

Label as personal or newsworthy

Flashbulb Memories

Discuss memory of important current event...

(Fishbein & Ajzen)

Brown and Kulik (1977)

* In Summary:

1) people appear more 'loss averse' than 'gain seeking'

2) people are usually irrational when making economic decisions

Theory of Planned Behavior

  • "It's as if our nervous system takes a multimedia snapshot of the sounds, sights, smells, weather, emotional climate, even the body postures we experience at certain moments..." from Benderly (1981)

Brown and Kulik (1977)

  • First in Psychology to argue validity of "flashbulb" memories
  • Important event... emotional response... episodic memory

Have a "flashbulb" memory of these events?

  • Examined adults memories of what they were doing when news of JFK assassination was seen/heard

Getting Started

Back / Side

Getting Started

Agenda (1/29-30/20)

Back / Side

Agenda (2/3-4/20)

  • Formative Assessment - Target CA1
  • Intro to Thinking and Decision Making (Target CA5)

- A Few Scenarios...

- KR: Kahneman & Tversky (1974)

  • "System 1/System 2" Reading & Discussion

- Assignment in GC

- KR: Daniel Kahneman

SAQ - Cognitive Approach (Targets CA1, CA2), Fri., 1/31/20

  • Formative Assessement - Thinking or DM (Target CA5)
  • Impact of Cognitive Biases Discussion (Target CA6)

- Assignment in GC

- Biases: Framing OR Cognitive Dissonance

  • Continue Reliability of Decision Making Discussion

SAQ - Cognitive Approach (Targets CA3, CA5, CA6), Fri., 2/7/20?

Essay Three (Targets CA1, CA2, CA4, CA6), Mon/Tue., 2/10-11/20

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