Allison: A big issue is the crime in the area.
If children had a place to go, or things to do,
here would be a reduction in crime.
LIZ: In speaking with a couple middle school students, they both agreed that Rhinebeck needs more activities for kids their age. They love the pottery painting studio and would like to see more places like that. For instance, they would like to see a beading studio or sewing studio. They also commented that the stores are too expensive for them to go to and they would like to have more shops in town for teens.
Ideas presented:
- special student discounts at the movie theaters
- greater security at the malls so kids can come and go freely
- take an unused part of the park and create a spot for skateboarders
- Give out ID's for all local town parks to students in school so the can use any local park without restrictions
Coming together for a common cause:
Taxes is a problem that leads
to children with nowhere to go
Hopefully the communitywill take action on any or all of these
ideas so the children in the area have a place to go and
stay out of trouble
Maryelizabeth: TAXES- There are high taxes and by this families are going through hard times. Families can't pay for some things for their children and maybe even cant go on vacations.
These are pictures from our communities
ELLEN: A lot of local teens like to skateboard. Unfortunately,
we do not have a skateboard park and too many people
are afraid to let them on their personal property. They are
afraid of the children getting hurt and having their parents sue
them. Unfortunately, this is a legitimate concern and they are
not to blame.
A huge problem in our area is that kids have
nowhere to go.
Double click anywhere & add an idea
Jessie: Even the movies are
too expensive for kids.
Nick says: Monroe's not allowed in Central Valley Parks.
Central Valley's not allowed in Monroe Parks. You can't play on
teams because you have to have a field. There are no sidewalks or
bike paths. There needs to be a place for kids in the community to
be active.
Thanks to:
Kids Go to the mall to be with their friends.
Malls now do not even allow children to be
there without a parent.