- No known cause of JRA
- Autoimmune Disease
- Two-Step Process
- Genetic
- Environmental
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Living with JRA
Causes of JRA
What is JRA?
Signs and Symptoms
Incidence and Prevalence
Progression and Prognosis
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility, and deformity
- 3 Types of JRA:
- Pauciarticular (4 or fewer joints)
- 40% of Cases
- Polyarticular (5 or more joints)
- 40% of Cases
- Still's Disease (Joints and internal organs)
- 20% of Cases
- Joint Pain
- Joint Swelling/Inflammation
- Joint Stiffness
- Repetitive fevers of 103 degrees or higher
- Pink rash that comes and goes
- Eye inflammation
- Limping
- Reduced activity levels
- Weakening of fine motor skills
- Impaired bone development and growth
- Non-Progressive Disease
- Most children outgrow disease
- 75% of children in complete remission by adulthood
- Overall Prevalence Rate:
- 1 in 1000
- Polyarticular JRA more prevalent in girls
- Affects children ages 6 months to 16 years
Ask the Doctor
What can OT do?
Occupational Therapy's Role
- No known way to prevent juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Genetic Link
- Precautions
- Joint Protection Techniques
- Contractures and Deformities
- Drugs
- Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
- Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)
- Biologic agents
- Intra-articular and oral steroids
- Exercise
- Stretching
- Movement
- Nutrition
- Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Occupational Performance
- Motor Skills- Gross and Fine Motor
- Emotional Regulation, Communication and Social Participation
- Areas of Occupation
- ADLs- Feeding, Mobility, Dressing
- IADLs- Pet Care and Community Mobility
- Education, Play, Leisure, and Social Participation
OT Evaluation and Treatment
The End
- Evaluation
- Parent Assessment
- Observation
- Goniometry
- Treatment Goals
- Perform ADL and Play Activities
- Pain Relief Program
- Maintain/Improve ROM
- Joint Protection