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Francis Bacon January 1561- April 1626

The Four Idols

The Four Idols Continued...

Idols of the


Idols of the theater

-"There are also idols formed by the intrecouse and association of men with other, which i call idols of the marketplace..."

-"But words plainly force and overrule the understanding, and throw all into confusion and lead men away into numbrless empty controversies and idle fancies.


"Lastly, there are idols which have immigrated into men's minds from the various dogmas of philosophies, and also from wrong laws of demonstration. These i call Idols of the theater, because in my judgement all the received systems are but so many stage-plays, representing worlds of their own creation after an unreal and scenic fashion"

Idols of The Tribe

Idols of the cave

How the human mind thinks about, processes, and evaluates the world them.

The Four idols

Esteeming the ideas and beliefs of someone or something else above anyone or anything else.

Idols of the cave

Idols of the Tribe

- "The idols of the cave are the idols of the individual man."

-Basically, everyone sees things in a different light, and everyone values things differently esteeming one thing higher than another.

-Example: Esteeming one person's opinion above anyone else= idolizing that person.

-"The idols of the tribe have their foundation in human nature itself, and in the tribe or race of men."

-"All perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the unicerse."

Idols of the marketplace

The interactions and relationships built among people

A look into the the work:

"The Four Idols"


-Basic rhetoric device used: enumeration, one of the most common reliable rhetorical devices


Paragraphs 1-3: Intro

Paragraphs 4-8: One introducing each idol

Paragraphs 8-16: Idols of the Tribe

Paragraphs 17-22: Idols of the cave

Paragraphs 23-26: Idols of the marketplace

Paragraphs 27-35: Idols of the theater

Idols of the Theater

The life we tend to imagine for ourselves with no problems, no stress no worries.

A look into the life

- Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam (1561-1626)

-Became Lord high chancellor of England in 1618 but fell from power in 1621

-Devoted himself to writing about philosophy and science

-Often mistakenly credited with having invited the scientific method

Cite: Klein, Jurgen, “Francis Bacon” The standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Web.11 Nov. 2012.

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