Academic Probation
- 1st semester students complete fewer than 8 credits
- Failure of all courses in a semester
- Probation requirements are not met
New students will be placed on probation if one of the following conditions is met:
- Cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 at the end of 2nd semester
- Pass fewer than 24 graded credits at the end of 2nd semester
First Dismissal:
One long semester
Second Dismissal:
One year
Dismissed students have the option to appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee.
To be removed from Academic Probation:
- PASS program
- Pass 12 graded credits in next regular semester with 2.20+ semester GPA
- Raise cumulative GPA to 2.0
Readmission is necessary to return to SU.
- complete a semester elsewhere and earn 12 graded credits with 3.0 GPA
Academic Status & Eligibility
What You Need to Know About Academic Standing
After final grades post, academic status is established according to catalog requirements & review.
PASS Program
What happens next?
Academic Status Meeting
- Academic status updated
- Transcript notations
- Letters mailed
- Email dismissed students
Academic Warning
Represented by various SU departments:
- Office of the Dean of the Faculty
- Dean of Students
- Academic Success
- Academic Advising
- Admissions
- Financial Aid
- Registrar
Academic Success:
Dave Seiler
Jen Smull
Renee Burrell
Full-time students not on probation will be placed on Academic Warning if:
- Semester GPA falls below 2.0, cumulative GPA 2.0+
- 1st semester students below 2.0
- Semester GPA 2.0+, but completed <24 credits in academic year
Academic Warning:
What is expected?
- PASS Program
- Pass 12 graded credits with 2.2 semester GPA
- Raise cumulative GPA to 2.0
Academic Status
Fall 2019:
Warning: 47
Probation: 14
Dismissed: 10
Spring 2019:
Warning = 51
Probation = 33
Dismissed = 8