Problem Finding
Developmental Theories
Cognitive Theories
- Have a motivation to proactively solve a problem
- Can identify and clearly define said problem on their own
- Differentiate between "good" and "bad" ideas
- Creative people associate things together that may not normally be
- Have "flatter" hierarchy of associations
- There are strategies (tactics) that can be used to help think laterally (divergently)
- They are more common expression
- 'Change your perspective,' 'think backwards' are all tactics
- Preparation
- Define a problem after data collection
- Incubation
- Take time away from the problem and let it "incubate"
- Illumination
- A sudden breakthrough that presents a solution to the problem or part of the problem
- Verification
- Solution is tested and then possibly applied
- These steps are recursive
- Childhood exposure to creativity (art, music, etc.)
- Creative parents make kids creative through activity
- Have an "easy" childhood with the opportunity to be creative
- Independence but still structure
- Middle child often creative in order to draw attention to themselves
- Rebellious
- Capable of divergent & convergent thinking
- Grew up in environment where they were exposed to creativity
- Middle child
- Have extensive expertise in their given domain
- Are aware of the problems in domain & search for them
- Display extremes (introvert & extrovert, responsibility & irresponsibility, conservative & rebellious)
- They enjoy what they do
The Four P's of Creativity
& Theories of Creativity
Process Theories
Problem Solving
Systems Theory
- For Big-C creators makes a pronounced change within the given domain
- Accepted by field
- Combines divergent and convergent thinking for a NOVEL and USEFUL solution
- Experts in domain
- have extensive knowledge in area and can test their hypotheses
- Typically Big C must have at least 10 years (10,000 hours) in the field
- All steps are of equal importance and recursive
- research/prep
- incubation
- insight
- verification
- In an environment where they can sink into flow uninterrupted
- Have no major problems to distract them
- Spouse to help
- Working where the necessary materials are available
- "Creative" field
- A chance for innovation
- Field is not too broad
- There was/is creativity around them
- Domain - body of accepted knowledge (mathematics, poetry, etc.)
- Field - the individuals who "review" the field (in art: collectors, and museum keepers
- Individual - Creator working in the domain
- Individual creates a novel variation of the domain's norms. It is then validated by the field