Who is Althea?
Althea is an unknown character
- Wife's nickname
- Friend
- Lover
- Made up
Why was Lovelace Imprisoned?
- In 1642, Lovelace presented a Royalist petition to Parliament favoring the restoration of the Anglican bishops who had been excluded from the Long Parliament. He thus aligned himself with such royalist upstarts as Sir Edmund Dering
- Lovelace was imprisoned in Westminster Gatehouse from April 30 to June 21, 1642.
Literacy Devices
- Repition - "Know no such liberty"
- Alliteration - "When love with unconfined wings"
- Metaphor - "Our hearts with loyal flames"
- Paradox - Lovelace is imprisoned but still believes mentally that he is a free man.
- Personification - "When flowing cups run swiftly round"
Rhyme Scheme
Difficult Vocabulary
- Fetter - restraint
- Wanton - cruel or violent action
- Allay - diminish
- Thames - longest river in England
- Shriller - producing
- Draughts - checkers
- Linnet - type of finch
- Tipple - to drink habitually
- Grates - bars
- Hermitage - the dwelling of a hermit.
- Fought in English Civil war for the king.
- Typically relates to topics of idealistic love and admiration to King Charles I.
- Life spanded from 1618-1657
- Richard Lovelace was a cavalier poet.
- Strong supporter of King Charles I.
- He studied at Oxford University.
- Wrote over 200 poems.
To Althea, from Prison
No one can imprison the human mind.
- Human body can be caged but the mind is limitless.
- Your mind is free to think and dream as it wants to.
"The Power of Hope in the Midst of Difficulties"
Journal Time
When you feel as if your being confined by the walls of life, causing you to feel trapped, what do you think of to help you stay mentally and spirtually content?