Dorm Life
How to Survive College
a peer-ed presentation
Dealing with a bad roommate
You are not alone
If you came to school having friends from high school, try and branch out
Keep your room clean
• Stay here on the weekends
High School
- Friendships may fade.
- Don't over extend yourself.
- People change.
- Join clubs and groups
- Go to events
- Do homework outside your room
- Volunteer
- Be approachable
- Apply for a job on campus
- It doesn't always work out.
- You can be great friends, but terrible roommates.
- Communication is key!
- Keep realistic expectations.
- Be open to making new friends
- You are both growing.
- Find people with similar values and interests.
Take advantage of hall programs
Upperclassmen rooms
Go out to eat on the weekends!
- High school
- People change
- Future Concerns
- plans, goals, location
- Ring before Spring
- College is different than high school
- Do things you like to do and you will meet people who are like you!
There are challenges that come with adopting a new role.
Parents face difficulties.
Most family relationships improve during college.
Study Skills
- Make a list
- Find 1-2 study buddies
- Find somewhere creative to study at during finals week because the library will most certainly be PACKED
- Sleep is one of the best things you can do before a test
Scheduling and Majors
Registration Process:
- Meet with advisor
- Choose classes
- Enter self-service
- Check to make sure classes are available
- (Depending on the class, still sign up if you are one of the top 5 on the waiting list)
- Take it one day at a time
- Don’t worry about things that are out of your control
- Take study breaks!
- Find time to do things you enjoy
- Time management
- Find the right group of friends- be aware that it takes time!
- Know your morals and values