Enemies and Allies/ Contact between the French
- Samuel De Champlain
- Iroquois
- Jesuits
Down Fall
- The Wendat didn't perish at the same time
- They died little by little with all the wars going on
- Many different clan leaders made the council
- The councils were restricted to male chiefs only
the women had no say in the councils
Relationship The
- They would use all parts of the animal,if not they would pray for it
- Everything they wore and used was from the environment,e.g medicine
- They would provide the french with
fur more beaver fur and in exchange
get Europeans goods like guns,weapons,
metal tools and kettles
- Also traded European goods for more fur
with other tribes
The Wendat Tribe
- They lived in longhouses
- 20 families can live in a long house
- When traveling they lived in wigwams
- In the summer they traveled by canoes in the water
- In the winter they traveled by snowshoes
- Clothing was made out of animal skin and birch bark
- The European introduced the Huron tribe to the cloth trade
- The Huron began to where European style of dress
The giant God Kitchi-Kiwana was the last of a race of mega gods. One day, Kitchi-Kiwana fell with a mountain in his arms which then shattered to form the 30 000 islands. The marks which his shoulders left can be seen his favourite island of Beausoleil, which was where he returned to sleep each night.
When he died, the natives covered him with trees and rocks to form what is now called Giant's Tomb Island. The flickering Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) can be seen whenever his spirit visits the islands.
Spiritual Beliefs
Tools And Weapons
- bows and arrows
- harpoons
- war clubs
- tomahawks
- spears
- knives
- Shaman
- Rituals
- Medicine Wheel
- Huron/ Wendats in Canada speak french today
- Huron/ Wendats in the U.S.A speak English today
- the last few Huron/ Wendat speakers died in
The Huron spoke the language Iroquoian
- Wedding
- Farewell Ceremonies
- Feasts
By: Sumeet, Shima and Shurethi
- the Wendat Huron project
-native-american-indian facts .com
Modern Culture
Arts/Sports/How contact between French Affected the Wendat
- Modern Wendat emerged in the 17th century
- Located in the southern part of Canada
- The traditions and styles changed when the Europeans came
- Today the elders of the Huron/ Wendat are teaching the youngsters the old traditions and styles
- They ate corn, beans, squash,
wild berries, nuts, and maple syrup
- The men caught Whitefish, Trout, Catfish and hunted deer, bear etc.
- The women harvested the three sisters
Thank you!
- Kids learned their skills by playing games
- Girls helped their mothers
boys were expected to be brave and strong
- They did go to school and were sent by Jesuits and were converted to Christianity learned from elders -did not have written language
- Cooking
- Sewing
- Gathering food
- Farming
- Caring
for family and guest
The Wendat/Huron Tribe's Family Roles
How The Wendat/Huron Came To Be/Where they settled
The Cord Tribe
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Making tools
- Repairing village structures
- Making canoes etc
- Clearing new fields
- peace negotiation with the outside world.
The Bear Tribe
- Many theories
- How they came to Canada?
The Diversity Amongst The Wendat Tribe
The Deer Tribe
The Rock Tribe
- The Bear Tribe
- The Cord Tribe
- The Rock Tribe
- The Deer Tribe
- Missions and Missionaries
- The Iroquois
- Samuel De Champlain
- Etienne Brule