Changing Precipitation Patterns
- ACS. Accessed 3 Nov. 2017.
- Climate Change Institute. climate-future. Accessed 3 Nov. 2017.
- EPA. Accessed 3 Nov. 2017.
- Mann, Michael E., and Lee R. Krump. Dire Predictions. Dorling Kinderly Limited, 2015.
- NASA. Accessed 3 Nov. 2017.
- 350. Accessed 3 Nov. 2017
Why is it Important
What has Happened
- The Equator is getting less rain
- Higher latitudes are getting more rain
- about 2% more world wide
- Flooding and drying of crop land
- Drinkable water souses changing
- Habitats and ecosystems will change
- Water quality drop
- Down pours instead of drizzles
- Heavier snow storms
What will Happen
The Impact on You
- More precipitation in winter and spring
- Equator will continue to get dryer
- North and south will continue to get wetter
- Flooding in higher latitudes
In Maine there will be
- Changes in water, snow and vegetation based industry
- Infrastructure will drop in durability
- Coast line rising
- Heat waves & heavy storms