- mixing old paper with water and chemicals to break it down
- chapped up, heated which breaks it down further into strands of cellulose
- strainted through screen which remove any glue or plastic then cleaned de-inked, bleached and with water
4.Facts about recycling
2.Categories of paper recycling
Paper recycling
2.3 Post-consumer waste
- 1 ton of paper saves 17 mature trees
- 115 billion sheets of paper used annually for PC
- the average web user prints 16 pages daily
- in 1997, was 299044 metrics tons of paper produce
- 2006-2007 Australia used 5,5 million tons of paper, cardboard ->2,5 million tons of this was recycled
2.1 Mill broke
- material discarded after consumer use
- for example as old magazines, old newspaper
- paper trimmings, other paper scrap from manufacture
- recycled in a paper mill
2.2 Pre-consumer waste
- material,was discarded before it was ready for consumer use
- recycled material can be broken down, remade into similar or different material
- used in manufacturing industries
5. Settings
1. Definition
- collection and processing of recovered paper or cardboard
- flows back as a salable product class, as part of normal paper, paperboard in the business
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_recycling
- http://www.recycling-guide.org.uk/science-paper.html
- https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/paperrecycling.php
- https://recyclenation.com/green-glossary/mill-broke/
- http://www.conservatree.org/learn/Essential%20Issues/EIPaperMaking.shtml
- https://ijr.com/2015/08/396017-latest-veterans-affairs-scandal-bad-departments-afraid-leaving-paper-trail/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-consumer_waste
- https://www.eliostudio.com/portfolio/the-great-recovery/greenfield-post-consumer-waste-paper-2/
- http://www.wealthywaste.com/recycling-paper-from-paper-waste