Injustice Within America's "Justice" System
In order to improve the criminal justice system...
- Ford, Dana. "'Affluenza' Defense Psychologist: 'I Wish I Hadn't Used That Term'" CNN. Cable News Network, 12 Dec. 2013. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
- "Innocence Cases." DPIC. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
- awareness within the community
- Pamphlets, calenders,flyers, local community ads
- once people are enlightened with the facts and statistics, they will realize that the number will only continue to rise if nothing is done
- unless we speak out against it, the issues will never be resolved, innocent people will continue to be accused of crimes, and criminals will continue to be let off the hook for their crimes, while friends and families suffer for the loss of their loved ones.
- To be informative
- Bring awareness to communities
- Encourage people to speak out
- Acknowledge statistics
- "Rich and guilty"> "Poor and innocent"
- The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world
- 1972- 300,000 people; Today- 2.3 million & 7 million people on probation and parole
Ethan Couch
- Poor and/or non-rich people are often falsely accused and convicted of crimes
- One out of every nine persons have been exonerated and released from death row
- 1973 -2014, there have been 144 innocent people freed from death row; 2-30 years in prison
- Driving 70 mph in 40 mph zone while being intoxicated- killed 4 people
- BAC: .24
- Maximum jail time = 20 years
- 10 years of probation
- "Affluenza": a psychological feeling of discomfort that affects wealthy young people
- symptoms: lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation
- Separate from parents
- $450,000-a-year rehabilitation center near Newport Beach, California
Glenn Ford
- Glenn Ford falsely convicted 1984
- Isadore Rozeman- Murdered November 5, 1983
- No where near the crime scene
- In Louisiana, state compensation laws provide those exonerated with $25,000 for each year imprisoned under a wrongful incarceration, with a limit of $250,000
- $80,000 for loss of "life opportunities."
- Create awareness
- Make flyers to post around local neighbors
- Inform people about the meetings
- Gather people for group meeting opened to everyone
- Invite people who have been victims of unfair trials or false accusation to speak, and let people know that it does happen.
- Come together as a whole and speak to the public
- Constantly write letters to the white house addressing the issues to the president, senate and house of representative, and supreme courts.
- Meetings with some government officials
- Post-meeting with the community to discuss what needs to be improved