Henry Mintzberg’s Five types of Organizational Structure: Theory
Erika Barron, Tennea Ware
Simple Structure
Or Entrepreneurial organization
– key part of strategic apex, Uses direct supervision and employs vertical and horizontal decentralization.
-Pros: fast, flexible, lean
-Cons: unstructured and informal, inadequate as decision makers , are at significant risk if owner leaves
Successful if: shared power and decision making
Machine Bureaucracy
- Techno structure is the key part
- Uses standardization of work process, prime coordinating mechanisms, and employs limited horizontal decentralization
-Pros: very efficient, jobs clearly defined, procedures regularly analyzed for efficiency, formal planning process
-Cons: formalization> specialization> functional units having conflicting goals that's inconsistent with corporate objectives
Mintzberg’s Five types of Organizational structure
Professional Bureaucracy
Three basic dimensions:
1. The Key part of the organization-plays major role in determining its success or failure
2. The prime coordinating mechanism- the major method the organization uses to coordinative activities
3. Type of decentralization- Extent to which the organization involves subordinates in decision making process
Discussion Questions
-Operating core as key part
-Uses standardization of skills and employs vertical and horizontal decentralization
-Enjoy efficiency benefits of a machine structure, even though professionals who have autonomy and power generate output
-Cons: complex, lack of control senior executives can exercise, power and authority is spread through hierarchy which makes it hard to change
Is there 1 right organizational type? Whats the best type?
If a company tried to duplicate a structure, what would happen to that company?
When choosing your organizational structure, what are 3 things to consider during the innovation process?
Divisionalized Form
Adhocracy Organization
-Middle line is its key part
- uses standardization of output as its prime coordinating mechanism and employs limited
vertical decentralization
-Pros: managers to maintain control and accountability, decision making is decentralized , focus on "big picture" strategic plans, ensures the necessary support structures are in place for success
- Cons: divisional structure (duplication of activities), divisions compete for limited resources from the headquarters, inflexible
(Innovative organization) -support staff is key
-Uses mutual adjustments as a means of coordination and maintains selective decentralization
- Pros: variety of experts that work in highly flexible way to solve problems, respond quickly to change
- Cons: bureaucracy, complexity, and centralization are far too limiting, conflict when authority/power is ambiguous, dealing with rapid change is stressful (difficult to find/keep talent), difficult to control due to decisions being decentralized and power being delegated to wherever its needed