Observations: Physical Development
- Body hasn't quite began to lengthen
- Beginning to lose baby teeth
- Motor skills have been developing
- Well-balanced nutrition
- Very energetic/Playful
Physical Development
- Body begins to lengthen/broaden
- Primary teeth lost/replaced
- Facial bones grow (face widens/lengthens)
- Well-balanced nutrition is essential
- Middle childhood sees an increase in flexibility, balance, agility, and force
- Fine motor skills develop by age 6 (allows students to print the alphabet, names, and numbers)
Emotional/Social Development
- Self-Understanding/Self-Esteem (higher in males)
- Self-Regulation (manage negative emotions to gain peer approval
- Gain ability to control own emotions
- Begin to form relationships with peers
- Sibling Rivalry increases
Observations: Cognitive Development
Child Observation Project
General Overview
- Thinking is starting to be become more abstract
- Able to make predictions
- Ability to explain his own thinking
- Very high memory
- The student I chose to observe was Jacob
- Seven years old (Middle Childhood)
- Jacob is currently a 2nd grader
- I worked with Jacob in the Math Lab at ABC
- Taught Jacob various math concepts
- Worked with Jacob for an hour every week for a span of nine weeks
Cognitive Development
- Thought becomes more logical
- Increase in information processing (pruning and organization)
- Larger working memory (rehearsal, organization, elaboration
- Gains in attention
- Metacognition
Interview Results
- The parents stated that the child does fairly well in school
- The child does a good job of learning the content fairly well and easy
- The child is one who exhibits good behavior ( parents will discipline if needed)
- The child has no trouble interacting with others around them (not shy)
- Typically the child does any school work needed then spends time with parents and three other siblings (not involved in any extracurricular activities)
- The child has 3 other siblings (all males) so there is constant bonding and sibling rivalry
Observations: Social/Emotional Development
- How does the child perform in school?
- How fast does the child typically grasp onto school concepts?
- Is the child, for the most part, always well-behaved?
- How well does the child interact with peers?
- What does the child normally do outside of school?
- How is the child's relationship with its siblings?
- Good interactions with peers
- Worked well in groups
- Able to control emotions in the classroom
- Well-mannered
- Performed all tasks given in the classroom
- Participated well during all classroom activities
- After spending much time with Jacob it is clear that he is where he should be developmentally if not further advanced.
- Active as a young boy
- Very intelligent
- Respects/Works well with those around him
Environment and Benefits
- Good, warm, safe environment
- Suitable for learning
- A good, safe environment is beneficial and will cause stronger, effective learning
Florentino Moreno