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Dynamic Thinkers Elementary School

All students are assessed in mathematics, reading and writing three times per year. Growth is being continuously monitored. Our main methods of assessments include: •Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), DRA, CFA (common formative assessments) and WrAP (writing assessment).•The data from the assessments is analyzed and instruction is designed according to students’ needs (‘data driven instructions’)•Interventions are provided for students not meeting their goals. Interventions are provided by qualified personnel and are done both in and out of the class.•If Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions have been done and no improvement is shown then the student will be referred for further testing. The Smarter Balanced Assessments (Common Core) are done by applicable grades

Design A School Project

Faculty Development

Bully Policy and Violence Prevention

Physical Environment

Group A

Effective faculty development will cover topics that are relevant and valuable to teachers, instructional assistants, coaches, and support staff . Three goals of professional development are to be: engaging, interactive, and intellectually stimulating. It shall be based on standards such as: What teachers should know and Be able to do, as outlined by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

The beginning of each year will begin with motivation seminar to bolster staff morale and motivation for the upcoming year. Topics such as treating students equitably, recognizing individual differences will be required refreshers at the beginning of each year for all staff.

Development in Managing and monitoring student behavior will be provided for beginning teachers and teachers new to the county.

Development will be required in half-day or full day sessions in the areas of Creating 21-Century classroom, implementing Common CORE Curriculum, Alignment of State to State Standards. Resource/Elective staff will attend their respective content area CORE & standards curriculum and 21-Century classroom staff development with their peers.

After school development sessions will be provided in the areas of online teacher evaluation system, Bullying Prevention, PBIS(behavior program and process), formative and summative assessments(Benchmarks, EOG's), technology integration(Smart Boards, Web 2.0 and web-based tools(Edmodo-teacher/student communication webpage development and uses), differentiated instruction, PLC's, Implementation of IEP's, BIPS, and other individualized plans for student success, Interventions/Modifications and Referrals processes and procedures, character education program, assessing and teaching to multiple intelligences. Love and Logic behavior management system and teacher-mentoring will also be addressed at the beginning of each year.

Teachers will also be required to participate in multi-level grade planning to make ensure their teaching is aligned with what students will be learning in the following school year. Backpack Buddies and Poverty /Students in need program referral process, Sexual harassment and school safety refreshers will take place for all staff at the beginning of each year.

The Physical Environment of the school was contrived to ensure that both students and staff would be in a safe and healthy environment that was conducive to learning. The school is comprised of two single level buildings.

The main building houses five regular education classrooms for each grade level (K-5), each classroom is equipped with smart boards, computer stations and a classroom library. In order to meet the diverse needs of students all EC, ESL, Science and Intervention programs are separated into two departments (K2 and 3rd-5th). Each department is strategically located in the center of the building along with the band room, library and auditorium.

Located in the front of the building is a fully equipped computer lab that offers students the most up-to-date and safe experience that 21st century technology has to offer. Also situated in this vicinity are: the resource room, the conference room, the nurse’s station, the administration offices and the cafeteria. All areas of the school are wheel chair accessible including the bathrooms which are located on every hall.

The second building is connected to the main building by an enclosed breezeway. In this building there is the gym and most of the elective classes. The main entrance of the school opens into an enclosed lobby; all other exits and entrances are operated by security scanners. All teachers and staff are provided with key cards that opens these doors.

Our school will not tolerate any type of bullying. We recognize bullying as the repeated attempts by any students (individual or in a group) to harm another child. Bullying can be expressed by direct and indirect methods. Direct methods include, but are not limited to: physical and/or verbal attacks, threats of such attacks, and social embarrassment. Indirect bullying may include graffiti, the spreading malicious rumors, and media enabled defamation.

Each bullying instance will be looked at individually to determine the most effective plan of action.We believe in taking a proactive stance against any such behaviors. Each class will receive monthly character education lessons from our guidance counselor, as well as their teachers and bus drivers, to encourage positive behavior in our school environment. For example, monthly meetings will be held for each school bus, using The Peaceful School Bus campaign.

Bus drivers, and our counselor, will promote discussions of what a peaceful school bus should look like. Students will each take a survey about how they feel about their school bus. Kindergarten and first grade teachers will assist their students, while second through fifth grade students will take their surveys independently. These surveys will be given to the classroom teachers to distribute to their students within the first month of school. Surveys will not include the names of the students. These surveys will be placed by the homeroom teacher into the appropriate bus driver’s school mailbox. Each driver will review the surveys, to determine what action should be taken. Students will be encouraged to tell their teachers and other school staff if they feel threatened or uncomfortable at school.

Teachers will receive training each school year on how to deal with bullying. In addition to training for all staff members, each grade level will select one person to serve on the Positive Behavior Team. These team members will meet monthly to review discipline data and address any issues from their grade level. Any reports of bullying must be submitted to the administration by our school staff. Parents will be encouraged to keep the lines of communication open with their child and their child’s school.

Physical attacks of violence will result in immediate referrals to the office. In any documented bullying instance, our administrator will notify the parent of both the attacker(s), and the victim(s). Students will be met with individually to discuss what happened. The attacker will complete age-appropriate positive behavior choice activities, in which they must write or draw what the positive action should have been while they are assigned to in-school suspension. If they are subject to out-of –school suspension, they should complete these activities in addition to the school work that they missed. They should also write (or draw) an apology note to their victim. Students that frequently receive office discipline referrals will participate in a minimum of once per nine weeks character education lessons, which include role playing scenarios. In addition to the character education lessons, the bully may be restricted from field trips, nine weeks rewards, and class celebrations. A conference with the bully, the administration, and the bully’s family will be required.

Twice per school year, parents will receive information about our school’s discipline data at Family Involvement Nights. Positive Behavior Team members, administration, counselors, and other pertinent staff will lead the presentation. Handouts and web references will be provided. Parents will be reminded that bullying is not tolerated at our school, and that bullying is defined as repeated attempts to bother someone. A single, isolated event is not deemed as “bullying”.

For more information of bullying, please refer to:

Equal Education for All Students

Our school maintains that all students are entitled receive a rigorous, and globally-minded education, from highly qualified educators. Students will receive instruction in twenty-first century skills, which will enable them to pursue a variety of vocational, as well as collegiate, opportunities.

Katherine Sowers

Kayon Newbie-Opie

Susan Sharpe

Tasheeia Green

Torsha Nedwards

Extracurricular Activities

Our school offers several extra curricular programs that allow students to excel in the visual arts, foreign language, technology, choral and theater arts. Students are able to choose one of the following areas of interest Dance Club, Theater Art Club, Choral Instruments, Spanish and Science Exploration which will take place on a once a week basis, after school in 45 minutes sessions, to introduce students to a variety of learning experiences and areas of interest. Students must exhibit proper conduct at all times and their acceptance into these programs are contingent upon their academic success and behavior.

Students will attend visual arts once a week in kindergarten through second grade. When students enter third grade they will have the option to participate in dance for a 9-week period in lieu of visual arts. Students will have the opportunity to attend Spanish class once a week. We feel that students will benefit from learning the Spanish language as we become more culturally diverse in the 21st century. Students will also attend technology class once a week. In technology, students will learn to use basic computer functions, to operate Microsoft Programs, and research skills.

Students in grades 3-5, who have met the requirements and screening/recomendation process, will also have opportunity to participate in Distinguished Gentlemen and Leading Ladies after-school clubs in which they will learn the value of community service, leadership within the school and community.

School-wide Expectations,

Rituals, and Behaviors

We are a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) school which utilizes positive reinforcemants to encourage STAR behavior. Each morning the students will recite the STAR pledge during the morning announcements.

STAR Pledge

Strive to learn all I can,

Treat others and myself with respect,

Act with responsibility, and

Remember to never give up.

All staff members will receive tickets each month to distribute to students they observe following school expectations and exhibiting STAR behavior. Upon receiving a ticket, the student will write their name on the back of the ticket and place it in the designated grade level box located in the main office. The principal will select two students from each grade level on Friday each week. These students will be recognized on the morning announcements and receive certificate. They will also participate in a special activity on Friday. The activity may be computer time, crafts, game time in the gym, special treats, etc.

Students are also expected to remain quiet in common areas at all times. They should also walk on the right side of the hallway. The hallways will have dark lines to remind students of the path they should travel along.

All staff members will meet once a month to discuss the effects of the PBIS program as well as suggestions and areas needing improvements.

Our Role and Purpose in Education

Academic Curriculum

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards but encompasses a trans-disciplinary approach to integration. Life skills are taught to our students through the application of interdisciplinary and disciplinary skills to real life contexts. Our curriculum is geared towards the holistic development of our students.

All students are required to take the following core subjects: Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer, Visual Arts, Health/ P.E., Music, Media Services.

Additional instruction such Character Education will take place on a bi-weekly basis which will be lead by the school Guidance counselor.

Teacher Instructional Model

All classroom teachers provide a variety of student centered instructions that encourages students to become active participants in their education. Small group activities are done daily in every classroom and inquiry based learning is an essential part of all content area lessons.

The role of this school is to provide a quality education for school aged students in grades K- 5. The school will meet the needs of diverse learners and multi-cultural, ever evolving population. Our goal is to prepare students to be competitive and competent in a global economy. We offer teaching environments that are conducive to rigorous, engaging, and motivating learning. Our role is to foster students’ abilities that are commensurate with the need and demands of the world we live in today and tomorrow. Our school fosters excellence, student accountability, high expectations for all. We wish to collaborate with parents and the community as shareholders. Parent support and reinforcement are valued as an integral part of student success.

The purpose of education in this school is to enable students to reach their academic potential, by providing students with 21st Century skills that will ensure them to be creative and productive citizens in society. Becoming critical thinkers and collaborative participants who can adapt to a challenging, technological, and changing world. Education is the tool to helping students realize their hopes and dreams in providing a higher quality of life. It allows students to make choices by equipping them with skills to plan for and pursue their dreams. The focus is on the whole child. Striving to instill worthwhile values, which will lead to responsible citizens as well as becoming independent thinkers and life-long learners.

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