2. Death Penalty
2.1 Argument for the Death Penalty
2.2 Argument against the Death Penalty
2.3 Background
2.4 Terms to know
2.5 Different types of the Death Penalty
1.US Court System
1.1 Overview
1.2 District Courts in general
- The stats
- The cases
1.3 Courts of Appeal in general
- The stats
- The cases
1.4 Supreme Court in general
- The stats
- The cases
Court System: District Courts in general
Death Penalty: Different types of the Death Penalty
Death Penalty: Background
Death Penalty: Terms to know
Court System: Courts of appeal in general
Court System: Supreme Court in general
Death Penalty: Arguments for Death Penalty
Death Penalty: Arguments against Death Penalty
The US Court system conatins several different levels of court. Each court handels different types of litigation
- Second bracket of the court system
- Only appelate litigation and cases decided by district courts
- Contains 13 appellate
- Objective: Control if the law was appealed correctly in the trial court
- No excessive bail
- No fine is imposed
- No cruel or unusual punishment
- Reasons for the death penalty:
murder, mass murder, terrorism, treason, espionage
- Makes the society saver
- Provides justice and closure for victims families
- Effectice at deterring crime
- Legal Definition: "The punishment of
execution to someone legally convicted of
a capital crime."
- Different laws on what crimes result in the
Death Penalty
Some states have abolished the Death Penalty
- Possibility of a wrong conviction
- Morally and ethically wrong
- Takes away the right of life
- Discrimination in the criminal justice system
- Costs taxpayers more
- Also called "The court of last Resort"
- Highest court of the United States
- Made up of many justices:
for example:
Nominated by the president
Appointed fo life
Hear the highest appelate and original
jurisdiction cases regarding the US Conditions
- First step in the court system
- Only original jurisdiction or appeal cases
- Every district court have they're own bankruptcy court
- At least one courthouse
- Lethal Injection:
1316 executions since 1976
allowed in 33 states
- Electrocution:
160 executions since 1976
allowed in 9 states
- Lethal gas:
11 executions since 1976
allowed in 6 states
- Hanging:
3 executions since 1976
allowed in 3 states
- Firing squad:
3 executions since1976
allowed in 3 states
deterring = abhalten
escessive bail = übertriebende Kaution
fine = Geldbuße
treason = Verrat
espionage = Spionage
litigation = Rechtstreitigkeiten
appellate = Rechtsmittel
abolished = abgeschafft
jurisdiction = Zuständigkeit
appeal cases = Berufungsfälle
bankruptcy court = Insolvenzgericht
The stats of Supreme Court
The cases of Supreme Court
- Decides which cases it hears
- They can ether:
Choose the case
Hear and rule the case and
give reason to the final verdict
Deny the case
The cases of Courts of Appeal
- Original Jurisdiction
If the case involves a foreign
government or two or more states
- Appellate Jurisdiction
The lower courts decision is
appealed (can only rule on federal
law, no state law
The stats of Courts of Appeal
The stats of district courts
- Only hears appellate jurisdiction
Will never hear any original cases
- The appeals court can than:
Uphold the original decision
Reverse the original decision
Send the case back to the lower court
- 12 courts divided among different districts throughout the country
- Case decisions can be appealed by:
someone involved with the case
federal agency's
The cases of district courts
- 94 courts
- At least one in each state
up to four in larger states
- Represents about 80% of all cases
- Includes civil and criminal cases
- Only courts that use a jury
- Grand jury
- Petit Jury
- Hundreds of thousand cases a year
federal = bundesstaatlich
Uphold = aufrechterhalten
Whats is your opinion about the death
penalty ?
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- ...
- ...
US Court System& Death Penalty
made by Pascal Urban & Scheraz Jehangir