The person or object that causes conflict in the story
- Typically seen as the "bad guy"
The main character who endeavors to do the right thing
Katniss - The Hunger Games
Types of Characters in Literature
Mini Quiz:
Use your notes to identify which type of character you see in the examples provided.
Round or flat character?
Describe one of the foil relationships between Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
Mufasa from The Lion King
Static or Dynamic character?
Flat characters receive very few details. (Just like how a piece of paper is a flat surface, one-sided.) Often they are minor characters in the story and we do not know very much about them.
The Dursley Family (in the Harry Potter series) characters are flat to the reader. The author describes their treatment of Harry, but we know very little else about them.
Slinky Dog is a flat character. We don't know much about him other than that he's friends with the other toys and likes to help Woody.
Eeyore is another example of a flat character. He is always morose and lethargic. We know very little else about Eeyore.
Sometimes a character acts as a foil to another character. Foil characters show contrast between one character and another.
Christina acts a foil to Tris in Divergent. She's outspoken and confident, whereas Tris has always had to display introverted, quiet behaviors.
Dory acts as a foil to Marlin in Finding Nemo. While Marlin exhibits cautious, reserved characteristics, Dory is flexible and free-spirited.
Mater is a foil to Lightning McQueen in the Cars movie. Mater demonstrates clumsy, hilly-billy type qualities that contrast Lightning's refined, city ways. Even their exteriors show significant differences!!!
Dynamic Characters
Static Characters
Round, fully-detailed characters are usually also dynamic. Dynamic characters change or evolve over the course of the story.
Flat characters, who have very few details, are typically static as well. A static character does not change through the course of the story. They retain the same personality and characteristics from beginning to end.
Cruella DeVil is a perfect example of a static character. She maintains the same selfish, conniving characteristics throughout the story.
Haymitch Abernathy is another static character. While we do know plenty of details about him (which make him a round character), his actions never change in the story. He is predictable and consistently shows his detached-caring (and at time drunken) nature throughout the Hunger Games series.