ABC Airlines
Systems Development Life Cycle
A system that follows a logical series of phases
- Highly recognised American Airline Company
- Works within a competitive market
- Wishes to gain a competitive advantage
Key Roles and Responsibilities identified
System Design
- The requirements translated into a software plan
Shows the planned activities of a project and the dependencies between activities
- To identify and keep internal and external stakeholders satisfied
- To install the Exercise Movement and Control System (EMCS) for an aircraft engine
- To ensure effective communication throughout the project
- Highly detailed
- Provides a better understanding of the system and the responsibility of each piece
- Focuses on tasks, scheduling and resourcing between activities
System Build
Feasibility Study
- Software Code
- Software Version updates
- Constructing databases, and
- Testing
Analysis of Business Requirements
- Assessments on
- Technical
- Economic
- Behavioural, and
- Organisational
- A viable program
- Needs and desires of the Company are identified
Allows for Continuous Evaluation.
For the Exercise Movement and Control System (EMCS) to work:
- SDLC would be effective to use as it's widely used by IT professionals
- CPM is useful to use as it allows slack time for projects.
By Grainne Stone