How The Art Was Stolen (1994)
- 6:30 local time
- 2 thieves, one painting, 50 SECONDS!!
- National Art Museum in Oslo
- Wire cutters and a short ladder were left behind while the thieves fled
- Was filmed on local security cameras
How the art was stolen (2004)
- Stolen on august 22, 2004
- Different verson of the real "Scream"
- Masked gunman entered "MUnch Museum" in broad daylight
- 1 year later....Police found a suspect
- The painting was never seen again
- rumered that is was burned
Why thank you, thank you very much!
Thank you for not laughing....NOT!!! (-:
Hope you enjoy this very fine prezi by AVERY FEDERSPIEL, & CASSIDY LOEWEN!!
I don't know Tim, cause we sure didn't
The Artist
- Edvard Munch,
- December 12th 1863-January 23rd 1944
- Norwegian,
- The Scream, Madonna, and The Sick Child.
- Expressionism, and symbolism
The Painting
- Made in 1863
- Skeleton, ghost etc.
- Made from Oil Pastels, Tempera, and crayons.
- Located at Oslo, Norway
- Takes 16 hrs from here to there>.
The Scream theft!!