○Other related professionals with experience working with this issue would include:
- Social Workers- provide supporting resources
- Psychologists- address the origin of the behavior issue
- Psychiatrists- provide clinical diagnosis for possible mental or emotional disorders
Non mental health professionals:
- ○Juvenile Detention Officer/Lawyers- long term effects and end results
- ○Martial Arts experts-for both safety & also boosting self-esteem
- Lawyers or legal authorities to showcase the legal implications of harassment beyond minors (i.e. Tyler Clementi case from Rutgers University)
Potential Allies
- Program evaluation
- Counselor/staff debrief meetings
- Anonymous surveys (pre and post)
- Review school wide surveys for future programs
- Review evaluations from previous years
Time is never going to be on our side:
- The first year will be very time consuming and we might have to work after hours or on the weekend.
- From year to year working around case loads is going to be difficult, so we hope using Horizontal and Hierachial structures will help.
- Making teachers active members in the project
- Creating purpose
- Data Driven
- This project does not directly effect AYP (annual yearly progres) so they might not want to devote so much time to this.
- We hope to present the issue with enough data to show that if students do not feel safe and are bullied they won't be able to focus on learning.
- A safe school is a better learning environement.
- A culturally unified school is a better learning environment.
- It shows we have tried to prevent things before they happen, which will help if there is ever a lawsuit.
- They might not take the issue sersiously.
- We have to present in a way that the families feel directly connected to the cause.
- Provide data with in their community.
- Share the school wide data collection.
Plan of Action
Week 1
- Professional Development Topic: prevention, tolerance, awareness
- Use nationally recognized data
- Student data gathered from a student survey that was completed by all students.
- Include the viewing of President Obama's message on bullying.
- Educating teachers about the different forms of bullying and signs of a child who might be bullied
- Give them a reaction plan to intervene
- Proactively Sign a pledge of prevention
- Provide advising activities- ex. "stand up if..." and other activities
- Counselors- set up counselor Facebook page for “School Counselor Facebook Page”
- ●Project preparation will start the previous year, after the project has been established as a yearly event.
- Focus in October for anti-bullying month
- Every other month, reminders through advisory activities to continue proactively
- Each counselor will have their own, delegated parts of the project that will have individual time lines.
Week 2
○Advising activity
- Each Advisory does an anti-bullying poster/slogan/campaign poster; submit to student council to vote on the schools poster for the year.
- Anti-bullying pep-rally■
- Approved student testimonials
- ■Reform bullies testimonials
- ■Authorities experiences
- Guest speaker
- Present teacher pledges
Awareness Fair:
- Fair to bring everything to and end
- ■Culture tables
- ■Games
- ■Showcase each student club with their sponsor; getting to know all parts of the student body
Week 3
Parents and Community:
- ○Parent advisory committee with administration listen to parents concerns
- ○Prevention: Discuss how do we report things and still stay safe and not fear retaliation?
- ○Awareness: also share national data with parents
- ○Community members come and discuss the importance of teaching tolerance at home.
- Invite local businesses in the community to sponsor some anti-bullying future events.
Supporting Evidence:
Anti-Bullying Project
- ○ Statistics show that “29.9% of students in grades 6 through 10 reported “moderate or frequent” involvement in bullying” (Nansel et al., 2001)
One of Candace's students, on her case load, is struggling with her sexual identity and does not feel the school is a safe place, or supports alternative life styles of any sort. She has seen administration and teachers turn their back on all types of bullying. She does not want to be bullied for her choices, and it's already hard enough knowing her parents won't support her. She has turned to attending parties, drinking and smoking weed. She has had suicidal thoughts.
• 25% of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying or putdowns and consequently intervene in only 4% of bullying incidents (Cohn & Canter, 2002).
By reviewing the results at the end the year we hope to see a reduction in bullying incidents in the school and neighboring community, while fostering a broader understanding and acceptance amongst staff and students of varying differences of the school population.
For Sofia we hope that she can begin to understand, accept, and embrace her feelings of her sexuality clearly and comfortably.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (1991-2009).
High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data [ Data File ].
Retrieved from http://mchb.hrsa.gov/chusa11/hstat/hsa/pages/225b.html
O'Brennan, L. M., Bradshaw, C. P., & Sawyer, A. L. (2009). Examining developmental differences in the social-emotional problems among frequent bullies, victims, and bully/victims. Psychology in the Schools, 46(2), 100-115. doi: 10.1002/pits.20357
CNN Wire Staff. ( 2001, October 16). Actor Zachary Quinto comes out
in honor of bullied teen. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/16/showbiz/zachary-quinto gay/index.html?hpt=hpb
Torry Charles ( 2011, February 3) Djacc on View. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://youtu.be/pDuKyrx-JQ8
• Students often feel that adult intervention is infrequent and unhelpful and they often fear that telling adults will only bring more harassment from bullies (Banks, 1997).
We anticipate, if all the pieces come together, then students and mind sets will change.
Candace meets with the team of counselors to collaborate on an anti-bullying project
■High School Students Who Were Bullied on School Property, by Race/Ethnicity, 2009
- Percent of High School Students
● Total: 19.9%
● Non-Hispanic White: 21.6%
● Non-Hispanic Black: 13.7%
● Hispanic: 18.5%
● Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native: 33.8%
● Non-Hispanic Asian: 17.5%
● Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander: 20.4%
● Non-Hispanic Multiple Race: 23.9 %
Horizontal Structure:
LaTosha- student assembly
Candace- parent advisory
Jim- community outreach
Amy- teacher PD and advisory
Hierarchial Structure:
Each person leads a week, and tasks are delegated by the lead counselor for the week.