What is gender?
NBC News:
Girls' Math Skills Now
Measure Up To Boys'
Begins at birth & continues through life
1 min
Girls are expected to be polite, gentle, and passive
2 min
Boys are expected to be adventuresome, aggressive, and physically active
30 s
Can you raise a genderless child?
Differing gender expectations extend to school & career pursuits
Treatment of girls has changed the most in recent years
The Economist:
Women's Economic Opportunity
Most gender socialization takes place within the primary group
China's One
Child Policy Dilemma
Social sciences & humanities
Women earn the majority of postgraduate degrees
3 min
Single-sex or co-educational schools for girls and boys?
3 min
1872: Victoria Woodhull, 1st female presidency candidate
Can Mitt Romney close the gender gap?
3 min
2002: 12 % of state governors, 14% seats in the House of Representatives, 14% in the Senate
Globally, women hold 15.2% of the seats in the world's 181 representative bodies
Gender Socialization
- The way things are now, it's better to be a man than a woman
- It's okay for a girl to play on a male team if she's better than other males who tried out
- Men should make important decisions because they aren't as emotional as women
- It's okay for a woman to be assertive & agressive
The specific behaviors & attitudes that society establishes for men and women
Dove Men
Gender Roles
Dove Chocolate
Wagon Wheel
The behavioral & psychological traits considered appropriate for males & females
Results from the division of labor
1950s Barbie
Dora's Kitchen
- It's okay for a boy to cry
- It's okay for a man to cry
- It's important to me that a man act like a "typical man" and the same for women
- A woman should not compete with a man, because it may damage his ego
- I often act in a way that a person of my gender "isn't supposed to"
- I get mad when people tell me that how I act isn't "right" for my gender
- Men should be more honest and forthcoming about their feelings
- Men should be more open with other people about their own inadequacies
- Women are less self-confident than men
- Men pretend to know more than they do to protect their image
1950s Kool Aid
- Women: childcare & domestic duties
- Men: economic support and physical safety of the family
Mott's Apple Juice
- Women pretend to know more than they do to protect their image
- Men like women who are followers, no leaders
- Women like men who are leaders, not followers
- Women rely on others for input when making decisions
- Women need more encouragement and approval than men
- Women are easier to take advantage of than men
- Women are easier to take advantage of than men
- It's possible to raise boys and girls the same way
- Gender stereotyping has damaging effects on girls' views of themselves
- Gender stereotyping has damaging effects on boys' views of themselves
- My school channels girls and boys into sex-stereotyped behavior roles
- My school has different expectations for boys and girls
- My parents have different expectations of boys and girls
- I am treated differently by teachers because of my gender
- A woman's place is in the home
- A woman should be willing to leave her job to follow her husband's job
- A man should be willing to leave his job to follow his wife's job
- It's a woman's responsibility to quit her job and raise children when the kids are young
- Husbands and wives should have equal responsibility for household maintenance
- Men and women should be paid equally for equivalent work
- All jobs should be open to both men and women
- Women should be allowed to fight combat in the military