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- “How can we attempt to use behavior analysis to encourage moral behavior when the very morality of behavior analysis itself has often been called into question?”
-A Clockwork Orange
• Alex’s hobbies are ultra violence, rape and Beethoven
• Volunteers for an experimental program that will cure him in 2 weeks
• Classical conditioning: the pairing of an illness-inducing injection with movies of violence. He becomes ill when witnessing, involving or thinking about violence.
•Released but is helpless because of the conditioning and tries to commit suicide
• Government realizes what they’ve done and de-condition him
- Would this procedure actually work?
o Systematic desensitization
o Flooding
- Case in point: morality of behavioral interventions
• BACB certification at the master’s and doctoral level
- Coursework of teaching experience in ethical conduct
- Current examination (18 questions related to this)
• To maintain BACB certification
- 36 continuing education hours every 3 years
- 3 of these hours dedicated to ethics and professional behavior
• At-risk or vulnerable populations – special ethical problems
• Ethical behavior learned and maintained through contingencies of reinforcement
- When an org. does not promote the learning and maintenance
of ethical procedures, employees’ behaviors might result in
undesirable outcomes
- Consumers, employees, org. reputation,
finances, ABA field
- The students can explain and apply:
0 The statements of BACB Guidelines 5.0 and 6.0
o The statements of APA Code 7.0
o That being professionally ethical will be a determinant factor in your success as a BCBA
- Listen carefully and pay attention!
- Personal statements, comments and/or questions are not only welcomed but desired
- Evaluation will not be a component of this class however, you will be participating in a very fun activity at the end of the period to win candy (hint: pay attention to these Guidelines!)
- If demands of an organization conflict with these guidelines
o Clarify the nature of the conflict
o Pledge allegiance to the guidelines
o Resolve the conflict according to the
fullest adherence possible to the
- Establish a timely and specific process for providing feedback to students and supervisees
- Evaluate students and supervisees based on their performance on relevant and established
program requirements
- Do not engage in sexual relationships with students or supervisees
- If individual or group therapy is required by the course, students must have the option to seek therapy from practitioners unaffiliated with the program
- Faculty who are likely to be responsible for
evaluating students’ performance do not
provide therapy for those students
- Adhere to job commitments made to the employing organization
- Programs are designed to
o Provide the appropriate knowledge and proper experiences
o Meet the requirements for licensure, certification or other goals
as claimed by the program
-The behavior analyst
o Adheres to job commitments
o Assess employee interactions before intervention
o Works within their scope of training
o Develops interventions that benefit employees
o Resolves conflicts according the
BACB Guidelines
- Improve individual and group performance and worker safety
- 1st program: Western Michigan University
- JOBM (1977)
- Ranked 3rd most influential in 2003
-Top three topics:
o Productivity and quality
o Customer satisfaction
o Training and Development
Melanie has worked hard to establish the treatment center of her dreams, unfortunately she is having financial difficulties. She has 3 BCBAs and 13 clients, who are all special needs children between the ages of 3 and 10. Two of her BCBAs only have a few years of experience, so she decides it is best that they each handle only 3 children during Group Therapy. However, the 3rd BCBA has extensive experience and has won many awards and certifications for her practice, so Melanie assigns her 7 children in Group Therapy sessions. This will lower her costs and increase her income. The therapist is upset and let's Melanie know she cannot handle 7 children at once. Melanie thinks about it, but decides that hiring another therapist would only raise her expenses.
- Develop interventions that benefit employees AND management
- Psychologists do not require students or supervisees to disclose personal information unless
o It is required for admission
o It is necessary to evaluate or obtain assistance for a student whose personal needs may interfere with their ability to
perform duties competently
- Current and accurate course descriptions include
o Training goals and objectives
o Stipends and benefits
o Requirements that must be met for satisfactory completion of the program
- Information must be made readily available
to all interested parties
- Provide clear description of demands of course or supervisory relationship
o In writing
o At the beginning of the course or supervisory relationship
- Implement or consult on behavior management programs for which you are adequately prepared
- Course syllabi must include
o Subject matter to be covered
o Bases for evaluating process
o Instructor’s ability to modify syllabi based on pedagogical needs, so long as the students are informed
- When engaged in teaching or training,
professionals must present all
information accurately
Bossy Supervisor
• Ethics Expert
- BACB Guideline 1.03 (Professional Development)
- Reference for those with less knowledge
• Makes sure the system runs smoothly
• Oversees individual supervision and group meetings
- Considerable supervision experience
-Extensive BACB knowledge
-To identify potential ethic dilemmas
• Extensive knowledge of local, state and federal laws
-BACB Guideline 1.04 (Integrity)
- Ex: mandated reporting
• Drafting a declaration of professional services
- Document that states rules and boundaries between analyst and client
-Confidentiality,, responsibilities, fees, cancellations, etc.
- Employee must review and sign before providing any services
• Whoever hired the ethics coordinator must require
periodical reviews
• Must be a BCBA
• Knowledge of the BACB Ethical Standards
• BACB Guideline 5.11 (Training, supervision and safety)
Lack of time in training process (raises an ethical issue of its own!)
- Idea: “immoral behavior is reward” – cheating
- He suggested rewarding moral behavior instead
- Arguments against behaviorism
o Reinforcement contingencies are artificial
- Every behavior has a consequence
o All research is derived from animals
- Anachronistic
o Treat people as objects – control and deceit
- Ambiguity in the word control
Dropping a core course
(APA example)
Faculty not qualified in ALL areas of ethics
Team- teach the course
(lack of responsibility)
• Nature and extent of supervision
- A supervisor will be there at ALL times?
- Not realistic=need and time constraints take precedence over ethical issues
• Competence of supervisors (vicious cycle)
-If supervisors learned through osmosis, students are limited by what
seeped into their brain
-Issues not recognized by the supervisor will not be recognized by the
students either.
• Ethical insult (Veatch and Sollito)
-“The very selection of a case as one that raises an ethical dilemma may be
taken to imply that the physician involved in the case may have made a
moral mistake”
• Supervisors are cautious to explore these insulting areas
• Ethical issues that arise
-Cannot guarantee that all ethical issues will arise during supervision
-Need to find a formal way to teach them ALL
Practitioners will not be prepared to handle future dilemmas
• The practice of teaching ethics only through supervision
• Understanding of issues will gradually “seep in” during practice
• Veatch and Sollito
- “Probably the most important teaching of ethics takes place between preceptors and students when students are actually involved with patient care and ethical issues arise”
• A majority of programs in psychology did not have an ethics course
-Supervise employees on at least a biweekly basis
-Promote discussion of ethical behaviors
- Easier when questions is asked than to bring it up
-Provide feedback and guidance to employees
-Right course of action
• Goal: increase the probability of desirable ethical behavior occurring in the future, resolve current issues
-Document everything
-If supervisor cannot answer- ethics coordinator will have the answer
- Provide feedback and guidance to ethics coordinator
-Which issues are fairly common? What is a topic
that should be discussed with everyone?
Guest lecturers
(facilitate trainees consultation to such committees in the future)
Faculty not qualified in ALL areas of ethics
Variety of methods that blend theory and application
Too boring
- Common notion: to end racist behaviors we must first change racist attitudes
- We don’t want to change attitudes, we want t0 change the behavior
- We should first change the behavior and once favorable actions are in place, favorable attitudes will develop as well.
- Kohlberg suggested Skinner’s new approach was not valid
o It ignored freedom and dignity in the learning process
o Modify a person’s behavior without their understanding or accord
- Kohlberg never really understood Skinner
o Skinner did not say ignore freedom and dignity,
o Use of mentalism and hypothetical constructs to assess behavior is inadequate
- Black-white class integration
- Baseline: black and white children isolated themselves
- Intervention: students were reinforced by sitting with a “new friend” at lunch.
o Black and white children sat together in more than half of the opportunities
o This behavior generalized to other social activities
- Study was short and results weren’t long lasting
- However, it demonstrated that positive behavior changes can be addressed directly
- Common notion: Criminals are “moral imbeciles”
o Previous Anti-Social Personality Disorder diagnosis
- None or slight chance of rehabilitation
o Teenage prisoners were placed in a 24/7 environment that reinforced pro-social and adaptive behaviors
o Token economy with an emphasis in academic skills
o Men 14-18 responded to the program effectively
-Violence issue
o Men were integrating themselves with others, they lost the fear through familiarization
- Impressive gains in IQ scores and academic and work skills
- One year later: recidivism among the participants was still 1/3 the rate of regular released inmates
- Three years later: recidivism went back to its normal rate among participants
• Common notion: people who don’t return or make an effort to return something have a low sense of morality
• But…what other contingencies might come into play?
- Common notion: Those who are dependent upon public assistance are lazy, unmotivated and have no “moral fiber”
- Contingencies of the public assistance program do not encourage self-help behavior
o Punishment is used and not reinforcement
a) The students indeed lacked morals and the program only suppressed their behaviors for a while
b) Students lied to the researchers to have access to reinforcers
c) The real world environment failed to maintain the gains of students
- Outside world failed to live up to its responsibilities
- The contingencies that once shaped their anti-social behavior returned
- Lesson: Public system and society fail at being morally sound
- “Lost” ads consistently outnumbered “found” ads in 3 local newspapers
o Surplus of thieves in the neighborhood?
- Fee to place the “found” ad was eliminated
o The number of “found” ads consistently outnumbered the “lost” ads in all 3 newspapers
- Lesson: Before we judge a person’s character, we should look at the contingencies that might be governing that behavior
- Reinforced attendance to self-help group meetings
- Attendance increased by about 500% above baseline
- Behavior became generalized
- Lesson: Once self-help behavior is being reinforced, this behavior will become more frequent in the future.
-Instructional programs
o Are competently designed
o Provide the proper experiences
o Meet requirements for licensure, certification or other program goals
- Provide feedback regarding performance at least once per two weeks
- Provide feedback in a way that increases the probability that the student or supervisee will benefit from the feedback
- Use positive reinforcement as frequently as possible
- Utilize as many principles of behavior analysis in teaching as possible
- Requirements must be displayed in supervisee’s repertoire. If not,
o Attempt to provide conditions for acquisition of the skill
o Refer/provide remedial skill
development services
- Provide proper
o Training; supervision; safety precaution to employees and students
- Ensure such persons are acting ethically,
competently and responsibly
- If not possible, behavior analysts
modify their role to correct
the situation
- Assess the behavior-environment interactions of employees before designing behavior analytic programs
- Develop interventions that enhance the health and well
being of employees
- Sometimes, ethical issues are common or complex
- Employees share ideas and courses of action to resolve issues
- Performance-based instruction
-Scenarios are presented, analysts describe issues and solutions
- Ethics coordinator provides feedback
- Introduce relevant and common ethical dilemmas
- Teaching analysts to recognize BACB
Guidelines in everything they do
-Providers improve the quality of treatment they provide
-Supervise limit of clients/therapist
-More time to devote to clients
-Without proper training, employees may not realize when they are engaging in an unethical situation.
-Training could avoid possible issues (physical, emotional, moral, legal damage)
- Focus on dilemmas that are likely to arise
- Cover issues that are not studied in depth
in a general ethics course
- Not all people working at an org. might
have knowledge of BACB Guidelines
-Teach them so they aren't blind sighted
- Unethical behaviors can lead to a loss of clients, loss of reputation, loss of financial stability
- Litigation can arise from ethical misconduct
- ABA competes with many other branches
• All the scientific evidence will not be enough unless ethical behaviors are sustained as well.
• ABA will not compete with other ethically sound approaches otherwise
- Promoting professional ethics can only lead to gains
• Happier clients, happier providers, happier org., happier wallets
• Giving ABA a good name, not a “bad one” - Sunland
- Do not teach the use of techniques or
procedures that require specialized training,
licensure or expertise to individuals who do
not meet these qualifications except to evaluate
o Various treatments; interventions;
therapies; educational methods
Only delegate responsibilities that can be reasonably expected to be performed competently
- Provide clear description of requirements for evaluation at the beginning of the course or supervisory relationship
- Provide clear description of objectives
o In writing
o At the beginning of the course or supervisory relationship