Geographic Location
Places in Africa and the Middle
East eat with their hands, some
of these countries include; India,
Pakistan, and Bangladesh
eating foods that aren't
considered "finger foods"
with your hands
Here in America...
Theory of Deviance
If a person was to order a meal containing rice and chicken at a restaurant, then went about eating said meal with their bare hands most people would look at the action as barbaric and dirty, and would most likely comment on the action, and this abnormal reaction from others is what makes it deviant behavior
Cultural Relativism and Deviance
Example #2
I would consider this form of deviance to fall under the Differential Association Theory, I say this because if all your life you associate with people, like your friends and family, who eat with their hands you too will most likely eat with your hands because it is normal to you, even thought it is not normal to others
The use of Marijuana in association with religion
Sociology Tuesday/Thursday
Theory of Deviance
Geographic Location
I would consider this example to fall under the Control Theory and I say this because people in America might want to recreate the spiritual uses of marijuana like the Rastafarian's, even thought it may get them in trouble and is against the norms of society
In Jamaica the Rastafarian
religion uses Marijuana in its rituals
to enhance feelings and generate more
spiritual feelings to get closer to god
Here in America...
Though some states are
legalizing marijuana most of the country still frowns upon the use of marijuana for recreational / spiritual use. If you were to tell someone use use marijuana to become more enlightened in America, they would most likely think otherwise and judge said person and probably say they are just using it for "fun", where in Jamaica it isn't used for "fun", but for spiritual purposes
The End