Mesopotamia Vs. Ancient Egypt
Continent most developed in Mesopotamia was southwest Asia.The Persian Gulf, Red sea,Black sea, Mediteranian sea,Caspain were oceans surrounding mesopotamia
summer 70-80 degrees
winter 15 degrees
Ancient egypt (Culture)
People traded to get more food and get what they need. Ancient time contributed to the modern times.
Painting sculptures
Clothing- Made from linen, Linen made from wax.
They used the nile river to get water and for food to grow.
Religion-Polytheist beliefs
Food drawn on clay tablets
Ancient Egypt (History)
Ancient Egypt (Geography)
Mesopotamia History
Ancient egypt (economics)
Egyptians and their trading partners sailed along the nile river to trade there goods
City-states and Empires ruled by king Sargon and priest.Babylonians, Syrians, Summerians, Chaldeans, Akkadians are the people from Mesopotamia. Cuneiform changed mesopotamia.
Nile River, Africa,Natural barries,desserts
Red sea, mediteranian sea
City- Johannes Burg surrounded by desserts
Nile river- latitude and longitude -26.1833 degrees north-319.167 degrees east
Climate-Normally dry, more rain in winter (egypt gets very little rain)
History (People)
Mesopotamia Government
Mesopotamian Economics
Mesopotamians used boats to travel and trade. They didnt use many natural recources so they traded for items.Babylon took most of the food.
Sargon (King) and Nobles were the ones who decided the law,Declared war and were the ones who knew how to honor kings. Mesopotamia was an unusual form of goverment.
Ancient Egyptian
clothing- Sewn garments,Gold appliques, different colored clothing
Art-pottery were different colored and has geomatric patterns
The goverment of Ancient Egypt depended on two important factors the Pharaoh and the Agriculture.The pharaoh was a vitual part of the egyptian government and he appointed the other officials during most periods .The government went from Pharaoh,government officals,soldiers,scribes.merchants,artisans,farmers and slaves
Ancient Egypt (Government)