Human Genetic Enhancement
Works Cited
Project By:
Ryan Cheng
Mustafe Darawish
Kingsley Okoye
Our Opinion
Could potentially help humans overcome deficiencies in their body
Safety is a major issue, but is ultimately worth it in the long run
Humans could live longer, more prosperous lives
Possibly be used to help developing countries
Disease could become a thing of the past
A lot of scientists have a view that the introduction of genes that have been modified genetically can have effects that can never be removed or reversed. Few consequences will always be involved in the use of human genetic engineering.
Several moral and religious issues will always be there with the use of gene therapy of living beings. Critics have questioned that whether man has the freedom to alter the already available sources of earth.
Safety issues;
There are risks associated with getting genes into a human body and having them carry out the desired function. Some genes are carried in on viral vectors and these bugs have been altered so as not to infect a patient with a disease.
Could help to restore deficiencies
Better pharmaceuticals
The knowledge gained by working out genetic solutions for the above could help with the design of better pharmaceutical products that are able to target specifically genetic mutations in each individual.
Could lead to genetic enhancement of plants and other organisms
Genetic Diversity
Could there be a danger that our gene pool diminishes and that as a population we become more susceptible to being wiped out by a hitherto unknown disease threat?
The use of genetics to prevent illness may be a good idea in theory, but in experiments people have suffered side effects as severe as leukemia. These should become ever less as the technology evolves, but nevertheless the risk is always there.
To extend life spans
To make disease a thing of the past can make our bodies more susceptible to attack from viruses or our own immune system. If the full benefits of gene therapy are ever realised we can replace the dud genes with correctly functioning copies.
Is used primarily for restoration for those with deficiencies
"The transfer of genetic material intended to modify nonpathological human traits"
Could lead to potential human application
Is considered morally wrong by some
Not used with humans yet