Genocide- What is it?
- violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group.
- Coined by Raphael Lemkin in 1944. Polish-jewish lawyer who wanted to describe what the Nazis were doing.
- geno- meaning tribe or race
- -cide meaning killing
Are there others besides the Holocaust?
Rise to Power
- Germany's Great Depression proved to be the right platform for change.
- The peole were open to extremist options.
- Hitler ran against Paul von Hindenburg twice and came in second.
- Hitler became chancellor
- Hitler used his position to form a de facto legal dictatorship.
- Reichstag Fire Decree- suspended basic rights and allowed detention WITHOUT trial.
- Enabling Act- Cabinet given FULL legislative powers for four years and allowed for deviations from the constitution
- July 14, 1933- Nazi Party declared the only LEGAL political party in Germany
- Before Hindenburg's death- a new law had abolished the office of the president and combined those powers with the chancellor.
- Hitler became head of state, governent and formally named Leader and Chancellor.
How was Hitler persuasive?
- As a member of the German Worker's Party, his views became cemented. Personally designed the party banner.
- His speeches became well-known and audiences came.
- November 8, 1923- Beer Hall Putsch
- Hitler and the Sturmabteilung (SA) stormed a public meeting and announced a national revolution and the formation of a new government.
Hitler, Nazis and The Final Solution
Adolph Hitler
The Beginning
- Born in Austria. Father died young. Not the best student.
- Was poor and homeless.
- Watercolor painter- applied to the Academy of Fine Arts twice--was rejected.
- Fought in World War I.
- Rose to power because he could give voice to the base fears of the people.
- Joined and helped start German Workers Party in 1919.
- Conspirator to overthrow the Republic.
- Put in jail- wrote Mein Kampf
- Wounded at the Battle at the Somme- decorated with the Iron Cross First Class and the Black Wound Badge.
- Used anti-semitism as a tool for his rise to power
- January 1933- becomes Chancellor
- He gets more political and police power after the fire of the Reichstag in February of 1933.
- Able to start creating the dictatorship of the totalitarian state.
- Invasion of Poland in June 1941 was supposed to be quick. But declarations of war changed that.
- Hitler felt it was his duty to erase the Jews from the world.
Do you think the Holocaust was moral? Explain your reasoning.
The Final Solution
The Nazi Regime
- Social reform measures:
- anti-smoking country wide
- Abstinence from alcohol and meat
- Hitler would tell slaughter stories at dinner to shame diners.
- Keep your body pure from intoxicating or unclean substance
- Racial Hygiene:
- marriages banned between non-Jewish and Jewish Germans.
- "non-Aryans" denied German citizenship
- Children with physical and developmental disabilities were targeted in early policies
- Disabled adults euthanasia program was developed and authhorized later