- base mainly on kindship
- feature differential access to resouces
- permanent political structure
- formal government structure
- and socioeconomic stratification
- economies based on horiticulture and pastoralism
- kind based
- no reliable means of enforcing political decsion
- small,kin based group
- found among forager
- now, all forgager trade with cultivator,
- rely on government for part of consume
the sun:
- forced into mariginal place
- work part time as wage work
- some suns are more sedenism some still hunt and gather
- emphasize equality
- base on kindship,reciprocity,sharing
- egalitarian society.
- often horticultural and pastoral economy
- live in kin based village
- no socio economic stratification and no formal government
- more organized than band but no formal political decision(big man, village head, village council)
- usually egalitarian but sometime do gender stratification
the inuit:
- state has law, other political system have rule and norms
- forager have their own way to settle issue but no law is inforced
- head man work things out but no power
- ex:inuit man want to have more wives and stealing wives or adultery is present. this is the main conflict
- solution: song battle to insult one another
- no private ownership of land and property
yanomami people of south america
- patrilineal and exgamous
- leadership position is vilage head(no authority, need to persude people to do something, give advise to a conflict but can not order people to do such thing)
- need to be generous
- contactor of governent
- if villager do not like the head, he can leave and join a new village(village fissioning)
- big man have supportor over serveral village
- kapauku papuans of indonesia have labor intensive agriculture
- big man as tonowi must earn his position by hard work and possise some wealth as pig.
- there are achieved and acribed position
- big man host pig feastial and get prestige
- personality and generous make a good big man
- eglatarian equality
- no central political figure
4 type of politicla organization:
first 3 all belong in all nation-state now and subject to state control.
- in anthropology a social organization is about exercising of power and regulation of relations among group and their representative
- political regulation include decision making, dispute management, and conflict resolution
- big man can orge regional political organization that base on descent group
- other association or solities might link people together base on gender, age,etc.
- pantribal sodalities: extend across the whole tribe, might mobolize to go to war with other tribe.
- ex: indian pantribe sodalities in north american and tropical africa. because they go to war with each other constantly and they need to manage bison hunting.
- ex:masai of kenya, men splite into age grade, and women split into group base on marrage status.
- patribal sodalities create a sense of ethnic identity
- sociopolitical typology is correlated with adaptive strategies
- increased population led to more complex economies and increased regulation
ex:in north iran, 2 tribe groups coordinate to use the land.basseri and qashqai khan
- different access to resources
- blurry gap of elite and common
- central political figure
political and economic system
- social relation are based mainly on kinship,marriage, decent, age, gender,
- different between chiefdom andstate is, state bing nonrelatives together and oblige them to pledge allegiance to a government
- permanent regional political system
- chief's trust fill in office
- chief do not work but still keep the wealth
- chief in charge of redistribution of wealth
- chief are acribed position
- seniority and descent come to consideration when talk about status
- lack of sharp gaps between elite and commoners due to all people in chieftom are kin(different from state)
- different access to resources
the emergence of stratification
- creation of separate social strata happen in chiefdom
- marks the transformation from chiefdom to state
max weber describe 3 type of social stratification
- economic status: wealth property
- power:ability to exercise one's will over others
- prestige:esteem, respect, qualities considered exemplary
superordinate and subordinate appears
- evolution from tribe to state
- chiefdom and state are ideal types because they make social contrast more sharper than they are
- some chiefdom has attribut of state but fail to be reconize as on
- some chiefdom has attribute of tribe but still is a chiefdom
- state establish census
- state often promote resettlement
- manage population by granting different rights and obligation to citizens and noncitizens
- power:ability to exercise will over other
- authority:formal socially approved use of power(goverment power)
- tribe:typically have economies base on horticulture and pastoralism
- chiefdom:form of sociopolitical organization intermediate between tribe and state
- differential access:some people have more wealth and power than other does
- state:form of sociopolitical organization base on formal government structure and socioeconomic stratification
- sociopolitical typology:service's labels like tribe, band, chiefdom and state.
- conflict resolution:method of settling dispute
- norms:cultual standards or guidlines that enable individuals to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a given society.
- law:legal code with trial and enforcement
- village head:village head can only use experience to convense people to do stuff but no real authority
- big man:elaborate version of village head, have supportor over different village , regulator of regional political organization
- status:any kind of social position
- ascribed:people have little or no choice about occupying them
- achieved statuses:statuses make by choice and actions, effort may be positive or negative
- pantribal sodalities:group that extend across the whole tribe, spanning serveral village
- office:permanent position, must be refilled when it is vacated by death or retirement.
- wealth:economic status, encompasses all person's assets, and property
- prestige:basis of social status, respect, esteem, qualities considered exemplary
- superordinate:higher or elite stratum had privilege access to values resources
- subordinate:lower or underprivileged stratum was limited by the privileged group
- fiscal:fianacial
- social control:those fields of the social system that are most actively involved in the maintenance of any norms and regulation of any conflict
- hegemony:subordinate comply with domination by internalizing their ruler's values and accepting the natualness of dominantion
- all state need to have legislative proclamation can be writen or oral
- crime need to be punished
- court and juges
state tend to be large, populous, and certain statuses, systems and subsystems with specilized functions are found in all states
- poulation control
- judicary
- enforcement
- fiscal
- all staet need to enforce judicial decision
- guard against external threat
- all state need financial to support goverment offical
hegemony is when subordinate comply domination and accepting the natualness of domination
a few way to maintain hegemony:
- make subordinate believe they will get power
- separate people or isolate people
- stop people from gathering
- stop people from forming organziation
people do all kind of things to question and resist hegemony
- any social control refers to those field of social system that most actively involved in maintenance of any norms and the regulation of any conflict
informal process of social control such as shame and guild, because people try to avoid behavior led them to be disgraced
- guilt as internal sanction
- shame as external sanction
ex:a man in triobran island get gossip through a song and killed himself
- women of nigeria use shame to protest british role
- example of how women use power to control the authority.