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- Ka'ahumanu associated with Keopuolani after Kamehameha I's death in 1819
- They did not like the kapu system
- Wanted to get rid of the kapu, but Liholiho stayed loyal to his father's words
- Religious law system
- Thousands of Rules
- Laws were based on mana
- Mana is a spirtual power
- Classified by positive male aspect of nature and negative female aspect
- Examples of male aspects: sky, light, life, day, knowledge, strenght
- Examples of female aspects: darkenss, death, night, ignorance
- Liholiho thought deeply about what to do with the kapu system
- In November 1819, Liholiho ate at the women's table
No Na Mamo by Malcom Naea Chun
No Na Mamo by Malcom Naea Chun
- Men and women could not eat together
-women not allowed in the "mua", men's place of worship/eating house
- Food had to be cooked
in different imu
- Women couldn't eat
certain foods
- Performed the symbolic act of 'ai noa
- Outlined actions for different ranks (separated society)
- Ali'i
- Kahuna
- Commoners
- Outcasts (kauwa)
- Signified the end of the kapu system
- Sent orders to all the islands to destroy the heiau and burn images of the old gods
Kamehameha II: Liholiho and the Impact of Change by Julie Stewart Williams and Suelyn Ching Tune
- Even Keupuolani tried to convince Liholiho by telling him the system was not needed
- Existed everywhere in Polynesia
- In Tahiti it was called Taboo
- Same as Kapu System
- Wife couldn't enter house if husband was eating
- Shadow of commoner could
not fall onto alii/priest or the
alii's house
- Couldn't cut down sandalwood (Kamehameha I)
- Kneel when ali'i was eating
- Offerings given to gods
when a tree was cut down
for canoe
- Ku, Lono, Kane, and Kanalos were male gods
- Gods contributed to food kapu and offering
- Certain foods were offered for a feast
- Pork, coconuts, and fish represented different gods
- Introduced in 1000-1300 CE
- After second wave of migration
- Ali'i and Kahuna to maintain power
- To protect mana
- Hawaiians followed the system because they thought the gods would get angry with them
- Also because the punishments were harsh
- The kapu system controlled every aspect in their lives
Anceint Tahitian Society by: Douglas L. Oliver
Akua Hawaii by: Kimo Armitage
- Ancient social structure
- Rules or laws that everyone had to follow
- Help guide the people
- The system caused a lot of separation between genders
- In English: taboo (sacred/prohibited)
- Penalties
- law officer hunted down kapu breakers
- put to death by:
- clubbing
- strangeling
- burning
- drowning
- stoning
- Pu'uhonua
- kahuna would give shelter and forgiveness
- enter community safetly
- gods would be forgiven
- Liholiho disagreed becuase he feared his people would not accept the change
- To try to change his mind, Keopuolani ate bananas, and Liholiho watched as his own mother defied the kapu