Thank you for youR attention!
4. photodegratation of plastic
1. Definiton & location
- plastic disintegrates --> microplastics
- ingested by animals
- plastics enter food chain
The Great pacıfıc garbage patch
2. Origin of plastic
- GPGP/ trash vortex = collection of marine debris in the Pacific Ocean
- marine debris= human created waste
- two collections bounded by gyre
- 1985
- bigger than Texas about 700,000 sq. km
- 4 particles per cubic meter
- 3.5 mio t. garbage
- debris consists of plastic chemical sludge
- 2014- 80% land- based
- 20% from ships
3. Formation
- oceanic currents
- material is captured in currents
7.what is being done & what should be done?
- must be cleaned up
- treaties prohibiting dumping must be enforced
- sewage shouldn't be allow to flow
- cleanup programs
- trawling the ocean --> impossible
8. What can you do?
1. Definiton & location
2. Origin of plastic
3. Formation
4. Photodegratation of plastic
5. Effect on wildlife & humans
6. Why we must do something
7. What is being done? (projects)
8. What can you do?
5. effect on wildlife & humans
- always be responsible for your trash
- get involved in local cleanups
- remember that land & sea are connected
- reduce waste
- reuse items --> scrap pappackaging, carrier bags, jars,
- managing waste on land
- 2006 - Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Monument
- 2008 - ECC was formed
- 2015 - The Ocean Cleanup project
- Greenpeace protects the environment and defends our oceans
- 1.5 mio albatrosses have plastic in their stomach
- 1/3 of their chicks die
- every year twenty tons more plastic
- 5 tons fed to chicks
- debris absorb pollutants
- plastics cause hormone disruption
- humans ingest toxic chemicals
- debris affects 267 species
6. why we must do something:
- wildlife is being killed
- debris damage beaches
- discourage swimming
- islands receive garbage
- beaches are buried under garbage
designed by Péter Puklus for Prezi