The Lessons of Surah Taha
- The surah was revealed to prophet Muhammad from Allah, bc the Difficulty the prophet faced (delivering a message no one would except)
- This surah is a foundation for dawah
- When Allah discusses the foundation of dawah the first thing we need to know and understand is who Allah is.
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, A thousand years before creating the heavens and the Earth, Allah recited Ta-Ha and Ya-Sin, and when the angels heard the recitation they said, ‘Happy are the people to whom this comes down, happy are the minds which carry this, and happy are the tongues which utter this.
Abu Umamah reported that the messenger of Allah said, “The greatest name of Allah, which if He is called by it, He responds, is in three surahs: Al-Baqarah, ‘al ‘Imran and Ta-Ha.” Hisham ibn Ammar, the khateeb of Damascus, said: “In Al-Baqarah, it is ‘Allah! There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exist’ [Al-Baraqah, 2: 255]. In ‘al ‘Imran it is ‘Alif. Laam. Meem. Allah! There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists’ [‘al ‘Imran, 3: 1-2]. And in Ta-Ha it is ‘And (all) faces shall be humbled before (Allah), the Ever- Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists’ [Ta-Ha, 20: 111].” [narrated in a marfu’ report (one that is traced all the way back to the Prophet [salAllahu alayhi wasalam], Tafsir of Imam Ibn Kathir)]
Subhaana rabbika rabbil'izzati 'ammaa yasifoon. Wasalaamul 'alal mursaleen. Walhamdu lillaahi rabbil 'aalameen.
Lesson #5
The way you carry yourself is Dawah in itsself
Lesson #4
Duah Before giving a lecture
Lesson # 1
Story of Musa
Ask and you will be given
In the surah Allah asked musa to go to firaun, and musa asked for a series of thing and allah granted all that he wanted for him
Musa saw a fire that only he can see, walks towards it and Allah talks to him and tells him to take of his shoes, he tells him that he has chosen him so listen, which leads to the first lesson
Innalhamda lilahee, nahmaduhu wa nasta’ eenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa na’oodhu bilaahi min shuroori anfusinaa wa min sayyiaati a’maalina. Mainya dhillaahu falaaa mudillilahhu wa mainyudil falaa haadiya lah.
Wa ashhadu anlaa ilaaha illalaahu, wahdahu laashareeka lahu, wa ash hadu anna muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasooluh.
- The first lesson that I feel is very important comes from ayah 8 and 14 stating is that there is no God but Allah, and I own the best of names, therefore serve me and keep up prayer for my remembrance
- despite how small and obvious it is, it’s a lesson that we must remember in all of our doings.
Lesson #3
Lesson #2
- Don’t feel bad when you are delivering a message and no one is yielding towards the message. Don’t push to much because it can drive you crazy. Despite how important and crucial the message is
- Prophet Muhammad delivered message in desperation, and Allah didn't’t want that
- Despite how much concern you have for the people. Allah told him to take it easy because he was so concerned about the
There will always be hardship, but you have to deal with it.
Prophet Muhmmad himself experienced it and that is part of the reason why he revealed this surah.