Target Market
To have plant
1, 000, 000
trees within the following year of 2014.
( Currently, 561 330 trees have
been planted )
- Multi-segmented
- Both genders ranging from young teens to young adults with moderate incomes.
- Mainly, their clothing is composed of comfortable and casual wear which can be worn almost everywhere. They are expanding and working to reach more stores and in order for that to happen, what Ten Tree apparel needs to do is expand their apparel line so they can reach multiple markets and as a result expand their brand and profitability.
- Highly priced compared to other apparel companies (i.e. H&M , F21)
- Lack information on trees planted (where, when & how)
- Business model: plant 10 trees for every item purchased & use renewable energy in manufacturing clothing
- Employment opportunity created where planting project takes place
- Large amount of supporters on social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Sustainability and 'green' trends among industry attract people
- Well-known competitors with high reputations (such as Zara, H&M)
- Fashion trends
- Product line
- Options for customers
- "Green” trend is growing, which also mean more competitors will be in the market
- If achieve success worldwide, scarce land available for trees to be to plant.
- Need alternatives
Competitive Advantage
Ten Tree Apparel’s main advantage is their sustainability and green marketing approach
- Added incentive of helping the planet with every purchase.
Not many companies with a green marketing approach in the apparel industry
- Possibility to lead and opportunity to set a standard for the rest of the companies
- Ten Trees mission priority is to have their product recognized as more than just simple apparel on the competitive apparel market.
- Environmental ecology is the core and theme for Ten Trees’ apparel products
Emphasis on promotion strategy is crucial for a company such as Ten Trees to go through in the introductory stage.
- Informing consumers about the benefits when any product that is purchased
- “Branding strategy”: planting ten trees and ensure all clothing is produced responsibly
- Use price skimming (charge high price initially) and use green marketing approach as a form of promotion for their product
- Educating customers about deforestation and about the environment
- Giving the consumer fulfillment of giving back to the environment
- Once the brand has built loyal and routine consumers, can begin to give more premiums or even lower some prices
Dis ribution
- Target and concentrate in a specific market niche of the fashion industry
- allow allocation of resources properly and efficiently
- Give unique service behind product and gives brand recognition from other competition.
- Send a message through words and visuals (such as the Ten Tree logo) and create a meaning behind their image
Currently, Ten Tree Apparel is distributing its products through two channels:
- Direct channel (EX: Online check-out)
- Retailer channel (EX: Below-the-belt)
Higher, well-known retailers such as Aritzia, J2 or Boy’s Co. are more familiarized among this generation of youth
Competitive Analysis
By: Andrew Vo,Dale Sekhon,Aman Kang, Brodie Burdeny, Bennett Lam
Langara College | 11/20/13
To provide consumers with quality clothing and accessories. They try to inspire a new generation of consumers who are passionate about the environment and willing to make a change to the world and their life style.
Ten Tree vows to keep loyalty and faith where,
“When customers buy one tee, we plant ten tree”.
There are many challenges that Ten Tree Apparel will have to endure in order for them to expand and succeed
Ten Tree Apparel's business model is sustainable entrepreneurship and green marketing while earning a profit
While keeping money for themselves as a business, the also use that profit made to give back to the community by planting trees
In the future, sustainability will be a key component to all businesses