Pathways to performance
ATTL implementation at concordian
"When the solution to this unfamiliar problem is not readily apparent, what do I do to learn?"
Subject specific ATL skills
- Every subject has specific skills implicit in the subject criteria.
- Every subject's criteria uses command terms, which indicate levels of skills complexity
- Every subject has a process for learning (Criterion B)
A coherent way to link our MYP
so that we reinforce each other's work
Research ATL skills in every subject
Core Generic: Research
- each ATL cluster must be addressed in every grade
- portfolios must explicitly document the development of the skills
- the language of learning needs to permeate through the school
- students must ultimately be able to articulate, advocate and explain/justify the use of skills
- Skills are embedded in different subject criteria
- Action: Sorting out units and research components we will use to reinforce the research skill cluster throughout MYP
- Research Cycle
Main Idea
A planning toolkit
which ties in Bloom's taxonomy with Command Terms
Part of the toolkit is a research toolkit
Develop a teacher's Toolkit
Various elements we implement in MYP are connected through what we teach the students about:
- how they learn (ATL skills)
- processes for learning
- opportunities for transfer
Core Generic: Social and emotional learning
Core Generic: Learner Profile attributes
action plan
- Our values as a school and links to IB LP - how can we make these visible on a day to day basis?
- What programmatic ways will we use to bring these to surface to address them explicitly?
- Action: we need to unpack SEL skills that students need throughout the developmental stages of MYP
- Action: we need to work on collaboratively developing models that work with different age groups and using them consistently, e.g. Grade 7 Agreements for each grade level
What we can do to collabate on ATTL
Social and Emotional skills made explicit in curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular learning
Learner Profile linked to our Values instruction
through consistent ways of teaching and learning