MI- Smith Family Tree
By: Hayden Eubanks,
Amber Carr, Loryn Reed 1A
Bill's Wife
Medical History:
- Diagnosed with breast cancer in his 40's.
Medical History:
- Diagnosed with brest cancer in her 40s
Medical Interventions:
Medical History:
- Smoke the past 30 years
- Family is concerned that he will develop lung cancer eventually
Relation: Sue Smith's aunt's brother
Relationship: Sue's Uncle
Medical Interventions:
Relationship: Sue's Uncle
- B+ blood type
- Blood tested to be a possible donor for Diana
Relationship: Sue's Aunt
Medical History:
Relationship: Sue's uncle
Medical Interventions:
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy, to donate his kidney to his sister Diana
- A+ blood type
- Had blood tested
- Kidney donor for his sister, Diana.
Relationship: Sue's uncle
Medical Interventions:
- Vaccinations
- Genetic counsling
- Genetic testing to find out if he is a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis, he is not
Relation: Sue's Father
Medical Interventions:
- Vaccinations
- Routine cancer screening
Relationship: Sue's uncle
- Researcher at local University
- Married for 6 years
Relationship: Sue's Aunt
Medical History:
- Researcher at local University
- married for 6 years
Relationship: Sue's Aunt
Medical History:
- Diagnosed with breast cancer at 35
Medical Interventions:
- BRCA 2 mutation
- A+ blood type
- Blood tested to be a possible donor for Diana
Medical History:
Relationship: Sue's Aunt
Medical Interventions:
Medical History:
- Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus at the age of 24 (during pregnancy)
- High blood npressure at the age of 34
- End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD, Kidney Failure)
Medical Interventions:
- Insulin shots/ pump
- Strict diet
- Daily exersise
- Dialysis
- Kidney transplant
- Antistetics for kidney transplant surgery
- Immunesupressive drugs for recovery after surgery
- Blood Type: A+
- Chemical engineer at local pharmacutical company
- Was overweight
Relation: Sue's Mother
Medical Interventions:
- Vaccinations
- Had rutine ultrasounds and amniacentesis while pregnent
- Chromosonal analysis of baby's genes while pregnent
- Goes to doctor for routine checkup of weight, BP, and glucose levels
- Had marker analysis to see if shje inherited BRCA 2 gene mutation
- Has routine cancer scrfeening
- O+ blood type
- A dental hygenist
- slightly overweight, but walks 2 miles every day
- At risk for breast cancer
- Had blood tested to be possible donor for Diana
Relation: David and Jackie's Son
Medical History:
Relationship: Brother
Medical Interventions:
- While unborn, had a chromosonal analysis
- Blood Type: O+
- Junior in High School
- Is the starting point gaurd on the school's varsity basket ball team
- Had blood tested to be a possible donor for Diana
Relation: Sue's Cousin
- AB+ blood type
- Freshman in Highschool
- Plays in school marching band
- Tested to be a possible donor for Diana Jones
Relationship: Sue's cousin
Medical History:
- Precancerous cells in cervix
- HPV infection
Medical interventions:
- Cryosurgery; to remove precancerous cells
- Routine PAP tests
- Cancer free
- Still continues to go for routine PAP tests
Relationship: Sue's Cousin
Medical History:
Medical History:
Relationship: Brother
Medical History:
- Vaccinations as an infant
- X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and bone scans used to diagnose Mike's ostersarcoma
- Biopsy of bone tumor
- Chemotherapy
- Pre-operative exam
- Amputation of arm
- Prosthetic arm
- IV antibiotics to prvent infection
- PT and OT
- Post-operative chemotherapy treatment
- Visits his oncologist to see id further treatment is necassary
Medical History:
- Broken ankle
- Mild asthma
- Bacterial meningitis
Medical Interventions:
- B+ blood type
- Vaccinations as infant
- Tests of her blood, urine, and lymph, and DNA Sequencing to diagnose her bacterial menagitis
- Took ibuprofen for her pains in the early stages of the bacterial menagitis
- ELISA testing
- Antibiotics
- Visits Audiologist to have her hearing checked
- routine cancer screenings
- asthma
- on the soccer team
- had blood tested for possible donor for Diana Jones
- Blood Type: AB+
- Junior at local communtiy college
- Had blood tested to be a possible donnor for Diana
Relationship: Sue's Cousin
Medical Intervention: