Pernicious Anemia
Definition: A form of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia that is an autoimmune condition where the body does not produce enough intrinsic factor
Pathophysiology of Pernicious Anemia
- The body needs B12 to make healthy RBC
- RBCs play a HUGE hole in carrying oxygen throughout the body to organs & tissues
- Low RBCs = Anemia
- Body suffers from decreased oxygen... Especially the nervous & cardiac system
- A protein, called intrinsic factor, helps release vitamin B12 into the gastric secretion to be absorbed
- Source of B12: Food (Body doesn't produce it)
- The parietal cells in the gut produce intrinsic factor & is absorbed mostly by the ileum
- Antibodies attack parietal cells
- Result: Decreased intrinsic factor
Causes of Pernicious Anemia
- Blood Tests
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Smear
- Assess appearance of RBC
- Intrinsic Factor Assay
- Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy
- Total Cause: Unknown
- Genetic
- Age: Elderly
- The elderly have low vitamin B12 levels
- Due to decreased acid production, therefore decreased intrinsic factor production
- Endocrine Disorders: Addisions, Thyroid problems, Diabetes Type I
- GI Diseases
- Stomach surgery that has damaged the parietal cells
How the RBCs will Appear with Low Vitamin B12
- Become very large & oval shaped
- RBC have difficulty leaving the bone marrow
- Therefore, decreased production
- Pale
- Energy gone*
- Red, smooth tongue*
- Numbness/tingling of extremities*
- Intestinal issues
- Confusion
- Increased sadness (depression)
- LOss of appetite (weight loss)
- Unsteady gait
- Shortness of breath with activity