Socioeconomic issues that might to be to blame
In Conclusion:
Propose: Help families in Avondale get access to fresh fruits/vegatables and understand the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables
With more than one third of the children of Avondale suffering from being overweight or obese and a vast majority of them suffering from a chronic illness, this topic deserves attention and is of grave importance to the community. With the limited access to fresh foods, limit resources to transportation and low income level, it has it made hard for this community to combat the issue of obesity among its future generation. By bringing awareness of the issue and providing assistance in locating fresh produce, we may be able to help decrease the obesity rate among grade school children and even possibility lower the percentage of children suffering from chronic illness in one of the biggest communities in Cincinnati.
How to measure our success
- Poverty-More than 40% of the families in Avondale live at or below the poverty line.
- Avondale is located in a food dessert
- Only two out of five residents have access to vechile for transportation
How to reach the Community
- Survey the community before and after
- Question: how you visited gabriels place, Where is the nearest kroger, Do you have fresh produce in your home?
- Create a task force that would walk the sidewalks and provide information on the community problem, Gabriel's place
- Encourage a visit to Gabriel's place
- Ensure residents know where the nearest Kroger is located and Ensure they know the metro route
- This would require little to no funding.
- Is primary as well as secondary prevention which this community needs both
The Community Avondale
Gabriel's Place
Food Desert
- Located on Reading Road in Avondale
- Farmers market every Thursday 4-6
- Provides education of importance of healthy nutrition
- "We combine accessibility, education and positivity to empower individuals' health choices"
- United States Census Bureau. Avondale. 2010. Retrieved June 7, 2015Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Childhood Obesity Facts. (April 24, 2015) Retrieved June 7, 2015 from
- City Data. Avondale Neighborhood in Cincinnati. (2015). Retrieved June 7, 2015, from
- City of Cincinnati Health Department. Avondale Neighborhood Snapshot. (2015). Retrieved June 7, 2015, from
- "Permanent Solutions to Food Deserts - Council Member Young." Permanent Solutions to Food Deserts (2015). Retrieved June 7, 2015, from
Obesity Rates in Avondale School
- South Avondale Elementary- 32.72% of students are overweight or obese.
- Rockdale Elementary-30.63 of students are overweight or obese
- Rockdale reports that over 94.6% of their students suffer from a
- chronic condition or
- illness
- Avondale has 12 fast food restaurants
- Six Convenience Stores
- Not one grocery store
- Bring awareness to the community of the problem
- Provide education on the importance of fresh produce
- Ensure residents of the community know where the closest access is to fresh produce.
Identify Nearest Krogers
Childhood Obesity
Jennifer Mulholland- School Nurse in Avondale