Web Front End
CSS methodologies and performance
But really,
Scalable and Modular
Usually used in large scale projects
I.E. Yahoo web mail
A set of rules that lets you ensure CSS scalablility and modularity
- Organising your CSS into 5 specific categories:
- Base - generic rules (i.e. body, h1, h2, p, ul, dl, a...)
- Layout - layout based rules (header, footer, content area, aside,...)
- Modules - imagine modules of style-guide (buttons, navigation,...)
- State - elements with changeable states (menu with states)
- Themes - for different visual themes of site (color, accessibility)
- Modular and scalable
- Simple set of rules is easy to understand
- Easy to maintain
- Is quite loose set of rules, might require team to define it's naming conventions
- Might become a little confusing when separated into too many pieces
These categories and structure can be re-defined according to project needs and team decision
Module with state brief example
Popular CSS methodologies
Before we continue...
Possible reaction after all...
Good for frequently changing DOM
BEM provides a strict set of rules on how to name your CSS classes.
Your CSS modules made up of ‘blocks’, ‘elements’ and ‘modifiers’, with underscores to separate.
- Provides strict naming guide, so everyone understands what everything means
- Easy to do OOCSS
- Works well without pre-processor
- Very WET (We enjoy typing)
- Markup is overly verbose
- Unsemantic
- Can't reuse easily (complicated scalability)
- Messy CSS
Web Layout
It's about creating modular components with singular concerns, they can be swapped and shared amongst other CSS modules.
- Reuse same styles for different selectors
- Add additional style to particular elements by defining only differences depending on context
- Define abstract pieces of layout
- Wrap object inner element styles with a wrapping class or ID
- Let's you be DRY
- Isolation of styles per logical element
- Modular
- Easy to maintain
- Might become quite complex
- Changes may lead into unexpected layout issues
Base layout with placeholders
Layout with placeholders and modules
Modules with content and states
Just modules with content and states
Grid, placeholder
State, variation
Messy CSS
Solution? Things to consider
When things are confusing...
AND often inefficient as well!
- SMACSS categorisation + BEM code structure idea?
- __ and -- does not BEM make BEM (can be re-defined)
- Project structure and module types/categories
- Namespacing for classes and IDs
- Max style nesting level before it has to be separated
- Team work: communicate to clarify and improve
- Decisions and guides should land in README.md
What happens in CSS
These innocently-guilty looking commas turn out into following:
Might cause further tree re-draw
Then it takes browser to render it and then paint it on the screen
Without this unconsidered decision in SASS, it could have been
20.8 ms
32.6 ms
It's only 10 ms - it isn't a big deal. But consider 10x expressions like the one above, 100x?
Found almost everywhere
- Because of quick workarounds
- Different people using different methods
- Lack of communication and team defined standards
- Repetitive code to re-do existing nearly same things from the ground
- Inconsistent layout, overriding of rules
- Long useless selectors because we like to NEST in SASS :-)
10 ms isn't a big deal
But then there are a bit more complex pages
Loans List
What is DRY CSS about?
- Group reusable CSS properties together
- Name these groups logically
- Add your selectors to the various CSS groups
- Avoid specificity by harnessing the cascade
- More efficiency
- No repetetive CSS properties
- Better naming, easier to understand
- When changing style, you just need to move selector from one group to another, no HTML edit.
- Hard to maintain large amount of selectors
- Can't use variables or mixins from SASS (repetition)
- It's more about plain CSS...
Atomic CSS
Single responsibility CSS declarations
- Everything is defined only once
- Good for prototyping / layout
- Very dry
- Small changes may cause broken layout
- Difficult to debug
- Hard to maintain
- Large number of classes applied to the same element
What happens in the browser
CSS rendering efficiency
Selectors from fastest to slowest
Web page rendering cycle
Resources for more knowledge
- Build the DOM
- Calculate CSS property values
- Build the rendering tree
- Calculate layout
- Paint
- Composite
Detailed overview of do's and dont's