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The plasma membrane is like the gates of the amusement park it lets certain molecules enter the cell in the same way the front gates only let certain people with tickets into the park.
The cytoplasm is like the security in the amusement park because the cytoplasm gives support to the cell in the same way the security supports the park stay in order.
The centrosomes are like the ride controls because it contains many centrioles in the same way the ride controls have many different parts to them.
The nuclear membrane is like the management office because it is a certain part the cell were only certain things are aloud in the same way the management office only allows certain people such as workers in.
The nucleus is like the information booth because the nucleus holds all of the cells information in the same way the information booth holds all of the amusement park information.
The vacuole is like the maintenance workers because the vacuole helps store waste products in the same way the maintenance workers put away waste products.
Lysosome is like the recycling / trash cans because the lysosomes have enzymes that help digest things or store them away in the same way the trash cans and recycling bins store or throw away waste in the park.
The mitochondria is like the power plant because it contains the energy of the cell in the same way the power plant gives energy to the park.
The nucleolus is like the park restaurants because the nucleolus is the food base in the same way the park restaurants supply food to the people in the park .
The chromosomes are like the blueprints because the chromosomes are the first structure of a cell in the same way the blueprints are the first structure of the park.
The ribosomes is like the food stands because the ribosomes give proteins to the cell in the same way the food stands give proteins to the people.
The endoplasmic reticulum
is like the buses because it transports proteins around the cells in the same way the buses transport people in the park.
The golgi apparatus is like the gift shop because the golgi apparatus packages proteins for transport out of the cell the same way gift shop has items that people can take home.