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For Captain Ahab, a prophecy is given that he "will die when 2 hearses, one 'not made by mortal hands', and one made of wood from America."

For Macbeth, the Weird Sisters prophesied “The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.”


They both believed these prophecies to be absolutely ridiculous which caused them to believe they were invincible. But because of their reckless actions, they're dead.

Prophecies are also given in both selections in which they predict the way the main character will die.


One of the motifs of both works is lightning; which illustrates the fate and disaster that lays ahead.


Moby Dick

A recurring theme in both Macbeth and Moby Dick is that of how obsession or power can make a person corrupt or mad.

Comparison of Macbeth and Moby Dick by Herman Mellville

In Moby Dick, the main character, Ahab, is so willful to take revenge and kill the whale that took his leg, that he loses many men on his crew but refuses to end the mission.


As Macbeth constantly obsesses over his new found power, he has no problem killing innocent people or even his best friend to keep his crown.

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