- Black fur
- Fur color may be brown or red in western states
- Rounded ears
- Long snout
- Adult female: 90-250 pounds
- Adult male: 130-500 pounds
- Up to 30 year lifespan
- Solitary animals, except for sows with cubs
Black Bear
- Estimated 600,000-900,000 black bears in North America
- 15,000-19,000 black bears in Michigan (~90% in the Upper Peninsula, ~10% in northern part of the Lower Peninsula)
- Plants
- Berries
- Acorns
- Nuts
- Insects
- Will eat whatever is available in that season
- Have been known to eat human garbage, pet food and birdseed
- Live in North America
- Hardwood and conifer forests
- Hibernate in dens (hollowed trees, brush piles, etc.) roughly from October to April or May
- Michigan's only venomous snake
- 1 of 2 rattlesnake species in the Great Lakes region
- Heart-shaped head
- 2-3 feet long
- Grey or light brown in color
- Large brown splotches
- Resembles fox snake, milk snake, and hognose snake
- The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake is an endangered species
- It is listed as endangered, threatened or a species of concern in every state or province where it is found
- Why? they are killed, their habitats are lost/developed on, etc.
- Small rodents, mostly mice
- Frogs, other snakes
- Hunt by sensing head from prey, vibrations from movement, and by sight
- Live in wet areas, swamps, marshes, etc.
- Often hibernate under lots, tree roots, or other animal burrows
- Found in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ontario
- Approximately 3,700 Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region
- Over-hunted in the past but now the species population is stable
- Deer, beavers, raccoons, rabbits, rodents, and other mammals
- Insects, nuts, berries, grasses
- Hunt in a pack
- Live in large areas of forest or mountainous terrain
- Need stable prey populations
- Tend to roam an area of approximately 45 square miles
- Live in Canada, Alaska, Great Lakes Region, Rockies and the Pacific Northwest
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
- Gray, white, and/or black fur
- Can grow to be anywhere between 40-175 pounds
- Standing ears
- Large paws
- Bushy tails
- 6-8 year lifespan
- Hunt, travel and live in a pack
Grey Wolf
Animals of the Great Lakes Region
Hannah Randall
GEO 105
Great Lakes Project