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Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

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How do we analyze the author's style as we read?

In your journal:


1. Why does the boy think he is going to die?

2. Why does the father spend the afternoon hunting instead of staying with his worried son?

3. Why does the boy cry so much the next day?

4. In what ways does the boy show concern for others? Are they revealed though thoughts, words, or actions?

Reread lines 65-83. Note Hemingway's diction, syntax, and tone.

Why is this passage a good example of Hemingway's style?

"A Day's Wait"

by Ernest Hemingway

Story Board That Project

Objective: Create a "story board" to show the elements of author's style that we have discussed in class.

Today I will:

  • pre-plan my story board on the template provided (due today!)
  • get my story board approved so I can get started next time!

How do we analyze the author's style as we read?

page 484

Analyzing Visuals

Reread lines 35-42. Look at Hemingway's syntax. What can you tell about Hemingway's style?

Reread line 47-53. Does the diction Hemingway uses to describe the setting convey a positive or negative atmosphere?

How does the painting of an empty chair convey the passing of time?

Now that we've read the story, what can we say about Hemingway's style?

What should we analyze to find the author's style?

Word Choice: Hemingway strives to use vivid verbs and precise nouns rather than using many adjectives and adverbs.

Sentence Structure: Hemingway uses long sentences for descriptions and short sentences when characters are talking.

Figurative Language: Hemingway uses a simile to help create imagery and create tone.


Before we Read:

Do you consider it an act of bravery to face pain on your own, or does it take more courage for you to open up to other people?

Diction: the author's specific word choice

Syntax: what types of sentences does the author choose to use?

Figurative Language: any language that is used non-literal way

Re-read the title of our story. What do you think this story will be about?

Analyzing Visuals

What is our purpose for reading this story?

Consider the expression on this boy's face. What mood does it convey?

We will be looking at Hemingway's writing style.


Style is not what the author says but how they say it.

Ernest Hemingway

Image by Tom Mooring

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