Tartuffe Characters
M. Loyal & Police Officer
- Men who arrest Tartuffe and tell him his charges.
- Puts the family at ease and rewards their stuff back to them, no questions asked.
- Patriarchal head of the family.
- It has been said that he was married once before.
- Husband to Elmire, Son to Madame Pernelle, Father of Damis and Mariane.
- Easily deceived [the apply doesn't fall far from the tree] and gives everything away to Tartuffe after banishing his son, Damis.
- There is talk that he has treasonous documents in his possession but this is never really explored in detail.
- Orgon's son by his first marriage.
- Younger brother to Mariane.
- Hotheaded, reminds me of Hotspur.
- Banished by his father when he accuses Tartuffe of greed and hypocrisy.
- Returns after banishment to help Father when Tartuffe shows his true colors and when some questionable documents are revealed.
- Hypocritical priest.
- Loves material greed.
- Meets Orgon in a church while pretending to throw his entire soul to God.
- Loves Elmire, or at least her body.
- Orgon's family is not his first rodeo.
Madame Pernelle
- Older woman, stuck in her traditional ways.
- Mother of Orgon.
- Very controlling, whiny, and judgemental she reminds me of Mrs. Bennet.
- Not very thankful for her servants.
- Complete disregard of anyone but herself and her son.
- Elmire's brother and Orgon's brother-in-law.
- The only one, besides Dorine, that has common sense.
- Tries to calmly talk to Orgon to get him to see the truth.
- Does not live with the family so I would consider him to be a third-party character.
- Lady's maid to Mariane.
- Doesn't have a filter, she will say anything that is on her mind, and is usually right.
- Brings Valère and Mariane back together while they are fighting.
- By far, my favorite character along with Elmire.
- Young lord.
- Promised to Mariane.
- Helps reveal Tartuffe to the Royal Courts.
- Too stubborn to admit he is wrong when accussing Mariane of "playing him."
- Orgon's daughter by his first marriage.
- Older sister to Damis.
- First promised to Valère and later to Tartuffe.
- Cannot fend for herself at all! She leans on her lady's maid to fix all of her problems, while she laments her ill-fortune.
- Too stubborn to admit she is wrong when Valère is wrongly accusing her.
- Servant to Madame Pernelle.
- Falls asleep and gets slapped as punishment.
- Over-worked and [in my own opinion] doesn't get paid enough for her job.
- Second wife to Orgon.
- Stepmother to Damis and Mariane.
- Practical, yet extravagant woman
- She tries her best to protect her stepchildren, especially Damis.
- Very sarcastic.
- Open to new trends.
- Supportive of her husband until he banishes Damis
- The one that shows Orgon the error of his judgement.