Technical Information
Norming Sample
- Total: 1200
- Gender: Males: 576 (48%) and Females 624 (52%)
- Age: 15 age groups with 80 participants each (age range 5 to 90)
- Race: Slightly Under-representation of African Americans and Hispanics
- Intended age range: 5 to 90.
- Assesses verbal memory, visual memory, and attention/concentration memory capabilities
- 6 core subtests that create 3 cores indexes which create an overall general memory index.
- optional: working memory, recognition, and delay recall subtests
General Insights
Visual Memory Index
Screening Memory Score
Verbal Memory
Visual Memory
- an estimate of how well the client can learn and recall both meaningful (i.e., pictorial) and minimally related, rote (i.e., design) visual information.
- Subtests: Picture & Design Memory
General Memory Score
Verbal Memory
Visual Memory
Recognition Score
Story Recognition
Design Recognition
Picture Memory Recognition
Verbal Learning Recognition
Verbal Memory Index
Working Memory Score
Verbal Working Memory
Symbolic Working Memory
Delay Recall Score
Story Memory Recall
Verbal Learning Memory Recall
Sound Symbol Recall
- This test covers a wide age range (5-90) and serves as a major comprehensive memory battery for assessment of memory function in children and adults.
- Those with fine motor difficulties should not take this test (For example: Design memory and fingers window subtests)
- The WRAML-2 can be used to supplement evaluations of disorders and problems in children (Such as ADHD)
- The optional subtests are easy to administer and do not take a long time.
- shows ability to learn and recall both meaningful verbal information and relatively rote verbal information.
Subtests: Story Memory & Verbal Learning
Optional Subtests
- Working Memory: estimate of how well the client can operate on and retain information that is held in the short-term memory.
- Subtests: Verbal Working Memory & Symbolic Working Memory
- Verbal Recognition: tests ability to recognize specific verbal information that was presented previously during this testing session- i.e. approx. 15-20 minutes earlier.
- Subtests: Story Memory & Verbal Learning Recognition
- Visual Recognition: shows ability to recognize specific non verbal or visual information that was presented previously in the session - i.e., approximately 15-20 minutes earlier.
- Subtests: Picture & Design Memory Recognition
Attention/ Concentration
- ability to learn and recall rote, sequential information.
- Subtests: Finger Windows & Number Letter
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning: Second Edition
Brett E., Carly O., Kristin B., Nicole W., Shirin S., Anthony D.