of Body Language
-outward reflection of our emotions
-replacement for speech
(The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease)
(Body Language 101 by David Lambert)
-reinforces speech
By Johanna Sy
- Staring
- Standing with one arm on your hip and with your elbow out
- Pointing with fingers towards a person
-May be taken as an offensive gesture
What is Body Language?
- A form of nonverbal communication
- Conveying information through conscious or subconscious gestures, bodily movements or facial expressions
Between Females:
- Hold hands
- Arms looped around another
-This signifies close friendship between females.
Between males:
- Arm around another male's shoulder
-This signifies camaraderie or sometimes as a greeting.
Benny the Irish polyglot
Between males and females:
- Physical contact between sexes in public is not accepted by many.
Russell Peters: Comedian
- smile
- eye contact
- raise and lower eyebrows
- slight nod of the head
"Mano po"
- signifying respect towards an elder
- taking the hand of the elder and placing it on his or her forehead
-Pursed lips
-Head tilts
-Eye shifts
When passing in between people talking:
- Excuse me
- Head bowed
- Hands clasped together
- Try to be invisible
- Sign of respect and silent apology
(The definitive book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease)
-commonality despite coming from different societies
- Instinctive Body Language
-socially generated
-different meaning among different societies
Kinds of Body Language Signals
The Thumbs Up
Westerners: Good
Italians: Five
Greeks: Up yours
- Xu, Yixiang. Understanding Filipino Body Language. h ttp://thebasicsofanything. com /philippines-travel-tips-understanding-filipino-body-language
- Colin (2011) Signs and foreign body languages (Philippines as an example). Colin (2011) Signs and Foreign Body Language. http://denofzeus.blogspot. com/2011/12/signs-and-foreign-body-language.html
- Pease, Allan & Barbara (2005) The Definitive Book of Body Language. Orion Books Ltd; London.
- Lambert, David (2008) Body Language 101. Skyhouse Publishing; New York.
- n.a. (2012) Body Language Guide. http://body-language.bafree.net/body-language-in-the-culture-of-asian-countries.php
- Henshcen, S, (2010) 4 Fingers Pointing Back at You. http://susanhenschen.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/4-fingers-pointing-back-at-you