Practical Scrum: How we used it
Agile Software Development
By Antonio Martel
Agile Project Manager
How we planned the sprint:
Basic parameters:
How we tested:
What now? Wish-list
Scrum Advantages: Quality
Scrum is not everything:
Information to the customer:
Scrum advantages the team
The Process (I):
The Process (II):
Second week Tuesdays: Integration + pre-demo
Batteries of tests for each component at start
Frequently, customers are outside the island
4/5 people teams
Each sprint closed tickets are sent before demo
Each team member tests its own tickets first, then the others
2nd week Wednesdays: Integration env. tests + demo env. deployment
Two week sprints (1 to 3 on holidays periods)
Good practices (tests, SVN, ant, Trac, ...)
Software engineering (components, reuse, DRY, ...)
Version control policy / Traceability
Rollback scripts
Integration environment (all teams code)
Demo environment
All Trac tickets are known by the customer
There is 6 development days, 3 testing days and 1 extra day for demo meeting and planning
Previous functionalities are tested again at each demo delivery (still working?)
Too many errors (and big ones) at first. Few and difficult to find in the end: 'I don't know what else can I test now!'
Tests automation
Deploys automation
Continuous integration (Maven, Jenkins)
Quality metrics / Sonar Qube
Any idea?
From templates development to PDF exports, from advanced search to better reporting
Customer: "we can see what is being cooked"
Users see regularly changes made to their product and can change priorities radically
Adding new artifacts or rules: one by one, little by little to check how they worked out
Many errores during the process: They cannot be avoided. Get rid of them if they didn't work. Maybe they could work at another stage.
Holidays or time off can be easily fitted into planification
Overtime or unnecessary stress are not needed to meet deadlines
Each team member says which tasks he/she can be committed to for the next sprint
Persistence / Coherence: Keep stuck if you think it is below waterline
Tranquility / No need to CYA
No one to blame even time later: We all tend to see only the drawbacks of our decisions
Spikes: Meetings every two weeks (at least). Priorities are set at those meetings
Other companies integrations - Legacy project
2nd week Thursdays: Demo environment tests
After that, open tests looking for integration or difficult to find bugs
Fridays, sprint last day: Demo meeting and delivery
Distributed teams: TFE, LPA, Madrid
Scripted, short and frequent meetings
Smoke tests (future)
Practical Scrum: How we used it
Agile software development
By Antonio Martel
Agile Project manager