Adrian Maguina
Economic Health
- Many poeple on Haiti do not get health benefits from the goverment .
- THe amount of money that the goverment provides to keep the people in good health was very low
- The chart shows 1995 being 59$ per person
- This has probably increased masevly because of the Earthquake the goverment is forced to invest alot so the people would not die
Political Stability
- CPI Is how corrupt the public sector of a country is.
- This number has decreased by .4 CPI) whic is good because th curroption has decreased in the past years.
- This number saw a good decline whe the death of Papa Doc happened.
- Papa Doc was the nickname for the Haitian Dictator François Duvalier.
- He was A doctor that became president and led the country into poverty and to a curropt goverment.
- After him the curroption has decrease but the number increased a littile bit after the Earthquake because when chaos is big people take the advantage of each other for evil reasons.
10.23 million people
Health Of The People
Tax Revenue
- The approched that I took to the health of the people has a nutrition one
- how much food does a normal person in haiti have acces to.
- THis number was low already before the Earthquake but when it happened it deacreased a decent percent.
- THe graph only shows a rise until 2005
- This is true that the percentage of food per person was rising
- This was until the natural disaster when people became desperate for food when ther as very little of it.
- You can see from the charts that poverty is big issue in Haiti
- As a result tax revenue is no t recorded in gap minder for Haiti
- This does not mean that people pay taxes it means that many people are just to poor to pay them
- Literacy is the ability to read and write
- The amount of adults in Haiti that can read and write
- Haiti is a third world country
- It is advancing slwoly ahead of the African countries but behind most of the world
- The education is pregressing very so you see the dots moving to the right
- Haiti is ahead of the African countries because it is closer to the U.S a country that can help it progress so it cna get its help easier than most countries
Water WithDrawal
- Water withdrawal has the same impact on the health of the people but its is even greater than food.
- Humans in average shape and perfect conditions , can probably live for three to five days without any water if they're not physically exerting themselves.
- THe water cause Haiti to have a a limit on the population they can have it can not exeed the amout of water because people would began to die rapidly and the population would decrease massively