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my name is Katie Cody and today I will be discussing
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my synthesis project for my language literacy and acquisition class.
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I will be explaining the different things I've
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learned in this course regarding writing and the
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ways in which I have taught these aspects to my case study student and some examples
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as you can see I have four components are in
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balanced literacy traits of writing
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the stages of the writing process and writers workshop all four of these components
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relate to one another as they are
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all necessary when building Children's writing skills.
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First we'll be discussing balanced literacy,
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balanced literacy is composed of three main topics.
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Interactive writing, shared writing. An independent writing
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interactive writing is where the teacher and
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student work together to choose a topic.
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They even share a pen. Sometimes they work together to create the writing.
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Shared writing is when the teacher model strategies,
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teaches these strategies and helps the student understand the process.
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Lastly there's independent writing which is when the child chooses they're very
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on topic and practices their skills independently and rights by themselves.
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An example of shared writing comes with my case study student Soraya
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we did a lot of shared writing together.
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I would implement strategies and bring in engaging mentor
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text to help her understand the writing process better.
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I would model for her certain aspects of writing for example let's say
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conventions and then she would make those changes in her very own writing.
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It was so much fun being able to do this with Soraya
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Next we have the different traits of writing which includes ideas, organization,
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voice, word choice, sentence fluency and convention.
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These all tie back to what we just talked
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about balanced literacy and shared writing because I would discuss
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these traits with Soraya and model for her why these
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traits are so important and how to use them.
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For example with word choice,
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I used to mentor text that had great examples of well thought out words,
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I would point out in the book the spicy words you could say.
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Then I would have her revise her paper by adding in more exciting
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or descriptive words and I would check her ideas throughout the way.
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Moving on to the next we have the writing process stages
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which is where we implement some of these traits
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I just discussed the stages are pre writing,
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drafting, revising editing, publishing and sharing.
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When I implemented a mini lesson on conventions,
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I was in the editing stage of writing with my student,
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I taught her about conventions such as capitalization and punctuation.
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I read a mentor checks that had great examples of these conventions
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and did a short activity.
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She was able to edit her own writing and change
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things to correct the punctuation and change capitalization errors.
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It was wonderful seeing her understand the topic
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and make her own writing even better.
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we have the writer's workshop which is when everything comes together
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all these components I just talked about can be seen.
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It's the most fun to this is one of many lesson occurs with the use of a mentor text.
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Students have their own writing time and then finally sharing time
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sharing time is once the story is completely published and ready to read aloud,
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this was the best part of the class.
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I love seeing Zariah share her story about her birthday with her classmates,
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she was so proud and so was I.
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She came so far writing this semester and I could see all
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these things finally come together in her writing piece about her eighth birthday
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to tie it all up.
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As you can see, all these aspects come together to help students right,
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balanced literacy traits of writing stages of
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the writing process and writers workshop.
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It's definitely a challenging task for young students to write.
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But understanding these key components helps greatly thank you
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so much for listening and I hope you enjoy